Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3)

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Book: Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
grinned, biting her bottom lip sensuously. "So, you're at my beck and call for three weeks starting right now, huh?"
    "Yes. I'm well and truly satisfied." His smile confirmed his words as he sat down next to her.
    "You know what I don't understand?" she asked as she snuggled against him.
    He placed his arm around her shoulders. "What?"
    "How you can be so totally at ease with being naked yet be so self-conscious on the dance floor?"
    He chuckled. "I don't see a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me right now, do I?"
    "Also," she continued, "you move so well in bed—err, on the couch. I find it strange that you don't think you can dance."
    "Haven't I proven to you I can't?" he asked with a snicker.
    "No. All you've proven to me is that you, Trey Andrews, have a shy, self-conscious side. It's okay. I'm not done with you yet."
    "I should hope not," he murmured as he captured her lips for a searing kiss.
    When Trey's fingers trailed along her inner thigh, all thoughts of anything else left Kris, except that they should go to his bedroom right then. She was ready to dance for him again.


    Kris surveyed Trey's bathroom more closely as she dried herself with a towel. In particular, she tried to spot girlie things—something a previous girlfriend might have left, or something he kept for women he took home.
    She looked in the mirror and gave herself a stern look.
    No, Kris. You are not going to look inside his cabinets.
    She got dressed in the clothes she had on earlier, unable to dispel her disappointment that she wasn't staying the night. Not that she'd expected to, but they had such a wonderful time together, and she was really tired. They'd made love for hours and it felt natural to fall asleep in his bed with him. But just as she was about to doze off, Trey had asked if she'd like to use the shower first before he drove her back home. That was obviously his way of saying he didn't want her to stay the night. Had he ever let a woman sleep over?
    She shook her head briskly.
    Trey's not your boyfriend, Kris. That's none of your business. If he takes another woman home tomorrow, that would also be none of your business.
    Her face contorted at the thought.
    Kris, you have less than three weeks and two choices. Keep this casual, or go all out and win his heart.
    Oh, she liked option two. She was well aware it was crazy and naive, considering Trey's reputation. But she was headstrong, impulsive, and insanely optimistic. And did she mention already halfway in love?


    Trey sat on the sofa and looked out the window while he waited for Kris to get ready.
    He wasn't happy with himself. He couldn't explain it, but he felt…ungentlemanly. Ehh, that was too tame a word, but he just couldn't find the right one.
    He'd never had to shoo a girl from his place before because he'd never brought one here, so he guessed he could justify his funny feeling.
    Just because he'd broken Rule Number One didn't mean he was ready break Rule Number Two: No staying the night with a woman.
    He took a deep sigh, feeling the need to make it up to Kris somehow. She was already falling asleep when he hinted she should go. After she'd given him one of the best nights he'd had, that was the thanks he gave her?
    As soon as she left his arms to go to the bathroom, he'd regretted his words. His bed suddenly felt so cold and empty that he had to bolt out of it and distract himself from his disturbing perception. So he took a shower in the guest bathroom while she was using his.
    Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to bring her to his place. It was too uncomfortable. Well, except when Kris was in his arms. Then, it felt more like heaven.
    God, she was absolutely freaking hot. He wished he'd structured their last bet so she could be at his beck and call. Even right now, what he really craved was to keep her in his bed.
    But he had practically told Kris it was time for her to go home. If they had another round, she would most certainly end up staying the

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