Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3)

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Book: Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
night in his apartment. That wasn't what he wanted, was it?
    He groaned softly, confusion chasing away the euphoric sensations he'd had from several orgasms.
    Ahh, the orgasms. His and hers. Thinking about it was enough to get him horny again.
    Maybe next time he would let her stay the night.


    "Do you think Sam's home already?" Trey asked Kris as he walked her to her front door.
    "Yes, she texted me earlier to say she was."
    "She must be wondering where you were."
    "Yup. She asked me that point-blank. I told her I was with a man with a box full of condoms."
    He laughed out loud. "Are you sure she's not behind this door with a shotgun?"
    Kris chuckled. "I know. She's like a mother hen sometimes. But she's probably in bed already."
    He tilted her chin with his finger. "So, when can I expect your call?" he asked, swiping a thumb on her lips.
    She put on a haughty look. "Well, I do need to consider the fact that you're a very busy man, so I won't bother you during business hours. However, nighttimes and weekends are fair game. Agreed?"
    "For two weeks and a bit, your wish is my command, madam," he replied with mock formality.
    Kris cupped his face tenderly and tiptoed to place a soft kiss on his lips. "That's good to know," she whispered before releasing him and unlocking the door. "I'll call you tomorrow."
    "Okay," he responded, feeling inexplicably happy. He waited until she'd closed the door behind her before walking back to his car.


    As Trey drove back home, he felt strange. He didn't want to go home yet. He'd just end up staring at his ceiling or tossing and turning in bed.
    He could visit his favourite club down the road from his place and have a drink or two, but he grimaced at the thought. Somehow that didn't seem fitting after the night he'd had.
    He activated voice command on his phone and called Adam. It was a little past midnight, but he knew Adam would still be up, and most likely alone.
    "Hey, bro," Adam said through the car speakers. "What's up?"
    "Hey. Are you home alone?" he asked.
    "Good. Can I drop by for a few minutes?"
    "Sure. Everything okay?"
    "Yeah. Just feel the need for a bit of company."
    "Okay," Adam answered slowly, his tone expressing concern.
    "Everything's cool, dude," he assured Adam. "Just not sleepy yet, that's all. I'll be there in five."
    "Five? Are you on your way already?"
    "Okay." The worry in Adam's voice was still there.
    "Hey, I'm fine," he said with a laugh.
    "Cool. When you get here you better tell me why you want to see me past midnight on a weeknight."
    "Sure. It's no biggie. See you soon."


    "So what's up?"
    Trey chuckled as he walked inside Adam's apartment.
    "Why do you find it so strange that I'd want your company at this time of the night?"
    Adam looked at him with bemusement. "It's the early hours of Thursday morning, Trey, not Friday or Saturday. We have a meeting tomorrow—I mean later today—at ten. Obviously, whatever you want to tell me is so important that it can't wait until then."
    Trey went to the sofa and sat down. "I'm just still wide awake, that's all. I figured you'd still be up road-testing our new games app, so I thought I'd join you."
    "Want a beer or coffee?"
    "Beer, thanks."
    Trey stretched his arms and put his hands on the top of his head as he waited for Adam. Why the hell did he feel so bothered? He stared blankly at the wall as he tried to sort through his emotions.
    "If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'm going to deck you," Adam said, as he walked back with their drinks.
    "Nothing's wrong. I'm just…unsettled," he said, clinking his bottle with Adam's before taking a swig.
    "Yeah. You know…can't sleep."
    Trey shrugged. "I just need to relax. So I thought I'd come here."
    "Oh. I would have thought your first choice for relaxation would be to go pick up at the club or call one of your willing fuck buddies."
    He frowned. The suggestion didn't hold appeal. In fact, it was

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