Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3)

Free Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) by Miranda P. Charles

Book: Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
ass against him, making him groan. In retaliation, his fingers snuck under her panties.
    "Oh, fuck. You're so wet," he breathed before capturing her mouth and kissing her senselessly.
    She gasped as he stroked her swollen nub while his other hand played with her nipple. "Ohhh!"
    She surrendered herself to his ministrations, her head angled to one side as his hot mouth kissed and lightly sucked her neck. Her breath came out in loud pants and she writhed on his lap, making him groan as she hit his hardness. When he inserted a finger in her wetness, she couldn't help the mewling sound that came out of her.
    Oh, she was so close. She was supposed to be the one doing the satisfying instead of the one being satisfied!
    She tried to get out of his lap, but it only made it easier for Trey to push her down the sofa. He kissed her, his lips and tongue seeming to want to be everywhere at once.
    When his mouth closed on a nipple, she let out another lusty moan.
    She reached for his belt as his mouth hungrily sucked on her hardened peaks. He helped her with his zipper. Seconds later he was naked from the waist down.
    The sight of his erection—hard, big, and jerking—made her moan out loud once again. It had been so long for her, and Trey made her burn like no other. She wanted him inside her. Now.
    "Trey, I need you," she cried softly as he slid her panties down her legs.
    "I know, baby. Same here," he whispered. He took off his shirt before reaching for his pants and pulling out a foil packet. She sat up and took it from him, wanting to do the honours.
    Oh, he looked so hot and she couldn't help herself. She reached down and licked the tip of his erection, tasting his pre-come, before closing her mouth on the head.
    "Oh, fuck. Kris!" Trey hissed through gritted teeth.
    Hmm. She liked his reaction, so she took more of him in her mouth, licking, sucking, and tugging him with her hand.
    "Oh, baby, enough. I want inside you now," he said in breathless gasps, pulling away from her.
    She gave him a cute pout before unrolling the condom on his impressive length. When he was sheathed, she found herself flat on her back, with him poised above her.
    Their eyes locked as she felt his cock on her waiting entrance. She slung a leg around his waist. With a groan, Trey flexed his hips.
    He moved slowly, driving into her inch by inch, his face a picture of barely held restraint.
    Her eager body adjusted to his size in no time, and greedily wanted more.
    "Trey, please," she moaned, need evident in her voice as she grabbed his ass to urge him to go deeper, faster.
    "Ahh…Kris," he said breathlessly, his thrusting increasing in speed.
    Mindlessly, their bodies moved with the same rhythm, their lips constantly seeking each other's as they rocked together.
    She was almost delirious with pleasure, his movements bringing her closer and closer to the edge.
    "Oh, God, Trey," she keened, her body writhing underneath him. With a loud cry, she convulsed, her inner walls clamping his cock like a vise, over and over.
    In the midst of her stunning orgasm, she was distantly aware of Trey's harsh panting.
    "Oh, fuck…Kris…argh…arghh!"
    She held him close with her arms and legs as he emptied himself inside her.
    After a long moment of quiet, Trey eased his body off her.
    "I'll be back," he whispered, before giving her a quick kiss and getting up.
    She followed him with her eyes as he disappeared to the bathroom, smiling contentedly.
    She sat up, looking around for a throw rug or a blanket. She didn't spot one, and settled for putting on her underwear and top.
    "You know, I do have a perfectly comfortable bed somewhere in this apartment," he said, as he returned. He looked ultra comfortable walking around naked. Lord, she could feast her eyes on that muscular body all night long. Well, maybe not just her eyes…
    "Yes, I did see it earlier. It looked very inviting too," she said with a sexy smile.
    "Well, you get to decide whether we go there next time."

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