Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc

Free Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc by Allison

Book: Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc by Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison
when he’d turn around to get something?


    D.H. Starr

    Meant For Each Other
    Jeremy shook his head, distracted by the tugging in his pants. His cock had begun to lengthen, pressing against the fabric of his jeans. For the second time in as many minutes, Jeremy glanced around to make sure he was alone, and then dug his hand into his pants to adjust himself.
    Andrew and Lance’s voices carried from the other room, bringing Jeremy back to the reason he was in the condo in the first place. Regret filled him as Craig’s image faded from his mind. This was not what Andrew had promised. Jeremy had agreed to view places with him, but said he wanted the experience to be for the two of them. If they were going to move, he wanted both of them to fall in love with the place. The more they viewed new places, the more certain he became that he didn’t want to move.
    If he could afford to, he’d put his foot down and simply remain on his own if he had to.
    Thinking about money set his stomach churning. This condo would probably cost over five thousand dollars a month. The apartment they lived in was only twelve-hundred dollars a month and he had to stretch his earnings to afford half of the rent, pay for utilities, and have a little left over for himself and Andrew. He’d have to depend on Andrew financially if they moved into a place like this. Andrew didn’t seem to understand how much he wanted to contribute equally. They had argued over this so many times even the dumbest monkey would have figured out Jeremy wanted to feel self-reliant.
    As soon as the thought entered his mind, Jeremy realized it was only half of the problem. He would never make as much money as Andrew and, if he were honest with himself, he wouldn’t care about the difference if it weren’t for the fact Andrew seemed unable to hear him. Andrew wasn’t listening when he spoke. Sure, he heard the words, but the message was lost on him. What he wanted was for Andrew to understand that he needed respect, not security. That was the real issue. Andrew seemed to think that taking care of him equaled love.
    Considering that thought, Jeremy backed off a bit. He wasn’t giving Andrew enough credit. Andrew wasn’t one-dimensional, but he did seem to think too simplistically. He either couldn’t or didn’t want to hear what Jeremy was really saying.
    If it felt like Andrew wanted a change for the both of them and not just for himself, Jeremy would probably be open to the idea
    But I wouldn’t. That’s the problem. The thought send a shiver up his spine. The truth of it caused him to grip the window sill for stability. He didn’t want to move and nothing Andrew said would change that. If he truly loved Andrew, deep down, rest of his life, loved him, he wouldn’t question this move. He’d be content to do anything that would keep the two of them together and happy.
    Once again, Craig’s image filled his mind and with it, a sensation of warmth and love. If he were with Craig he would quit his job and live in a shack. He had always known what Jeremy wanted. The difference was Jeremy never had to put his own desires aside to give Craig what he wanted. They loved each other enough to compromise and to keep each other’s needs in the forefront. Funny I never knew that as a 34

    D.H. Starr

    Meant For Each Other
    kid, but now it’s obvious. Treating me like a partner, his equal, came easily to Craig, as if he didn’t have to give it a second thought.
    Andrew and Lance returned to the living room, interrupting Jeremy’s reflections.
    Andrew walked over to Jeremy and stood next to him by the window. “I wondered where you got off to. I didn’t notice you leave the bathroom.” He hugged Jeremy from behind and Jeremy leaned back against Andrew’s chest, hoping to hide the discomfort growing inside him. Andrew whispered in his ear, pulling him in tighter. “The view is beautiful, huh? This is the best feature of the whole place. Can’t you picture a small

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