Finding Pride (Pride Series)

Free Finding Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders

Book: Finding Pride (Pride Series) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
second nature to them. It was kind of weird to think that Matt had intertwined himself with their family, but then again, Matt had been a very comfortable person. She knew that once you were in with Matt, you were in for life.
    Megan opened the door to see Todd’s back. And what a back it was! He had changed from his jean and work shirt to gray dress pants and a dark black blazer. She couldn’t see whether he wore a tie or not, but she couldn’t imagine him wearing one.
    He turned and she quite literally forgot her chant of new life, no man. His silver shirt under the blazer turned his blue eyes a silver color so they matched perfectly. She was right; it was a high necked shirt, no tie.
    She looked good enough to devour. She too had changed from her jeans and Matt’s old shirt to simple black dress pants that looked like they floated on the air, and a light green button up blouse, the sleeves were short enough for a small amount of arm to show above her cast.
    “ Come in, you know, you don’t have to knock, I think I’m getting used to your family coming and going around this house,” she said with a smile.
    When he had arrived, he had unlocked the door with his set of keys and walked right in, like he always did when Matt was around. He could see her smiling at him and silently cursed himself a fool again.
    “You look very lovely.” Did his voice just crack? Man, here he was almost thirty-two years old and he felt like he was on his first date again. He cleared his throat. They stood there for a minute taking in each other. “You had some questions about the paperwork?”
    “Oh, yes.” She moved back into the office, her heels clicking on the hardwood floors, then sat down behind the large desk. “Here, where I have it marked, the total of liquid assets. This can’t be right.” Todd moved over to look. The number on the paper was correct, Todd had seen to it himself.  “Also, here where it shows the working capital total?”
    “I assure you, these numbers are correct,” he said looking down at the paper.
    “But, then, um, that would mean…” Megan couldn’t finish.
    “Your brother was well versed in his financial options. Jordan Shipping stock was and is a solid investment. You don’t need to worry about it; your brother saw fit to take care of you after he was gone.” Todd stepped back, if he didn’t, he might not want to back off at all.
    “But, how did he invest in so much stock? I mean.” She was stuttering and starting to feel foolish. “It’s just that my brother never seemed to have any money when I was growing up. How did he…” She couldn’t finish.
    “From what he mentioned, he had taken his inheritance and invested, and when that investment paid off, he invested again. When he moved here, he paid cash for the land and house, about a year later invested in Jordan Shipping, which if I do say so myself, has paid off quite nicely over the last four years. Your brother purchased enough stock in our company that I asked him to be on the Board, and then two years ago, I made him a full partner. He was a good asset to the business. He was not only a brilliant man, but also my mentor. I looked up to him quite a lot. My entire family did.”
    She had sat there and listened to him talk about her brother, and started wandering whether she really had known the man. The Matt she knew had always had the money in his pockets never in the bank. When she had lived with him, she had questioned whether he had even owned the clothes on his back. He was very laid back; never taking anything too serious and almost always had his nose in a book.
    He was a traveler, a wanderer, never really stopping in one place for long. They had traveled a lot. Sure, he had always provided an apartment or condo for them to live in. But Megan was uprooted almost every year, and after she had gone off to live at the college dorm things had moved even faster for

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