Born to Love (The Vampire Reborn Series) (Entangled Ignite)

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Book: Born to Love (The Vampire Reborn Series) (Entangled Ignite) by Caridad Pineiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caridad Pineiro
whimpered. After nearly ten minutes, Maggie let out a long, relieved sigh.
    “How are you doing, Mags?” David asked, stroking back her hair from her face, his actions gentle and filled with love.
    Without moving or opening her eyes, Maggie uttered one word, “Spent.”
    Diana understood all too well, having felt like that way too often lately. She was feeling that way right now. Exhausted beyond measure.
    The turbulence of the day and night had taxed her and all she wanted to do was to climb into bed. But first they had to deal with Maggie, and then she had to handle David and all the unanswered questions he likely still had bottled inside . Nonetheless, she was grateful for the slight thaw in him earlier. It gave her hope.
    When they reached their apartment building, the driver quickly got out David’s wheelchair and he slipped into it. Ryder helped Maggie to her feet, but then she curled into David’s lap and he wrapped one arm around her. At his pained look, Ryder assisted, pushing the chair to the elevator.
    Inside the condo, Ryder wheeled Maggie and David toward the door of their guest room. “Let’s get Maggie settled. I can have Melissa come down—”
    “No,” Maggie said. “Tomorrow,” she added, her single-word bursts clearly taxing her.
    Diana shared a brief look with her husband. “Okay. Tomorrow, Mags. Go get some rest.”
    Maggie nodded weakly and Ryder helped push them into the guest room, Diana trailing behind.
    When they reached the bed, Maggie eased onto it, but when David went to move away, she said, “Don’t go.”
    “Are you sure?” David asked, and when Maggie confirmed it with a nod, her gaze never wavering from David’s, Diana knew it was time for her and Ryder to leave.
    “We’ll see you two in the morning,” she said, and after she closed the door to the guest room, Ryder glanced at her anxiously.
    “What are you going to do about her and Rafe?” he asked, leaning by the door, arms tucked across his chest.
    Thought after thought slipped through her mind, but in reality, she knew there was just one viable option. “The only thing I can do,” she said. “Find some shifters who’ll explain to us what’s happening.”
    Maggie sensed an odd finality to the sound of the door shutting behind Diana and Ryder, almost as if it was closing on a chapter of her life.
    Maybe it was, Maggie thought.
    David hovered anxiously by the bed. He had shut himself off from her over the last year of their relationship, and tonight was no different. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get a read on what he was thinking or feeling.
    But then he ended all conjecture by blurting out, “How long have you known?”
    “About what?” she asked, and rose slightly, strength returning to her body as the odd sensation she’d had from being close to Rafe receded with each passing minute. She reached behind her to remove the holster tucked against her back and laid the weapon on the nightstand beside the bed.
    “You can be that casual about it? As if I were asking about the weather?” he challenged, his blue eyes frosted with anger.
    “If you mean when did I know about Ryder, I always thought something was off about him, but I didn’t know what it was. At least, not until Diana told me.”
    “And when was that?” he pressed, his tone that of an interrogator, not a friend or lover.
    Former lover, she corrected as she sat up against the pillows on the bed.
    “Two months ago,” she answered bluntly.
    “You’ve known for months and didn’t tell me?” he parried, looking surprised and angry. Angry being the operative word when it came to his behavior for most of that night.
    But she wouldn’t let him use that anger to make her feel guilty. Especially when he had been keeping things from her, as well. She glanced down at his legs, volleying back the accusation. “And how long did you keep what was happening with you from me?”
    Embarrassed color flooded his face before he deflected her

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