Meant To Be

Free Meant To Be by Fiona McCallum

Book: Meant To Be by Fiona McCallum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McCallum
    â€˜Becoming a farmer? Hell, no! God, far too many things can go wrong that you have no control over! Though, I have to admit, I am quite enjoying being David’s lackey – all care and no responsibility. It’s kind of nice for a change. But all good things must come to an end.’
    â€˜Surely you’re not thinking of heading back to your business already. I didn’t think you’d last six months, but it’s only been a couple of weeks! Are you sure it’s wise? You seem fine, but what if…?’
    Jake placed his hands on each side of her face and looked deeply into her eyes. ‘Don’t worry, petal, I’m not getting fully back into work mode, and I’m not thinking of leaving you to head back to Melbourne.’
    Emily coloured slightly. ‘Oh, I’m not worried about me, I…’
    â€˜It’s okay. I only meant I need to get back in touch with things a bit. Starting with going up to Whyalla to check on the Civic Centre project. Actually, I’ve been considering setting up anagency over here. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else doing old buildings – especially in stone.’
    And with that he walked out, leaving Emily with a head full of questions. An agency? Here in Wattle Creek? Was he just winding her up? She stood there dripping onto the bathmat for a few moments until her brain kicked back into gear and she remembered she didn’t have long to get herself ready.
    As she started the hairdryer, she told herself not to worry; Jake wasn’t one to drop a bombshell like that and walk away unless he was just joking.
    One thing was true, though. As far as she knew, there wasn’t anyone on the whole of the Eyre Peninsula who specialised in building with stone. That was no doubt why the new cellar doors popping up about the place were constructed out of corrugated iron and why old homesteads were being torn down and replaced with kit homes and transportable buildings. One of the huge problems with living so far away from the big cities was that freight made everything more expensive. The lack of competition didn’t help either.
    As Emily put some sunscreen on her face and added pale pink lipstick, she thought Jake might have just struck upon a good idea. Knowing him, he wouldn’t have mentioned it without at least looking part way into it. She wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he’d started looking into possibilities after that first trip with Elizabeth, or even that that was why he’d visited the area in the first place.
    She let out a sigh as she told herself to leave the subject alone. She was desperately trying not to be like her mother – who asked questions non-stop and pried and prodded unnecessarily. No, she would be mature and non-controlling and not say a word until Jake brought it up again. And she would certainly not be all needy and demanding to know if he was planning to stay.
    Just let it be , she told herself. It was a phrase that ran through her head often when spending time with her parents.
    â€˜You look nice,’ Jake said, looking up as Emily wandered into the kitchen all ready to go.
    â€˜Time for a coffee?’ he asked, getting up.
    Emily checked her watch. ‘Yes, please, but I’ve only got ten minutes.’
    As Jake made her coffee, Emily sat down with her list. ‘Are you sure there isn’t anything you want me to get you?’ she asked.
    â€˜Actually, I wouldn’t mind a new book to read – some crime, say from James Patterson, Lee Child, one of the Kellermans – if you go into a bookshop,’ he said, putting a mug of steaming milky coffee in front of her. ‘I really want to get back into reading now I’ve got the time.’
    â€˜Okey-dokey,’ she said, adding the authors’ names to her list. She picked up her cup. ‘Mmm, thank you.’
    â€˜I’ll get you some money,’ he

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