A Time for Change

Free A Time for Change by Marquaylla Lorette

Book: A Time for Change by Marquaylla Lorette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marquaylla Lorette
Ace’s was long and throbbing under her stare. Pre-cum glistened on the tip, and he fisted his own erection as she looked at him. It didn’t look as if Ace could hold out much longer.
    Ace launched toward Chelsea, ripping her towel off and revealing her bare breasts, he closed his mouth on a nipple and sucked, causing her to writhe violently underneath him. He covered her mound with one hand, and she felt his fingers part her outer folds and delve into the wetness. He flicked her clit lightly, and the contrast of his soft touch with his rough treatment of her heated clit sent her blood to a boil. She needed him, and she needed him now. “Fuck me, already,” she yelled as the treatment to her pussy was putting her on edge.
    A second set of hands landed on her other breast, and she turned her head to see James hovering over her, entirely naked, his own cock standing at full attention. His eyes were full of a tender affection, even in the midst of all this clawing desperation. The feel of Ace’s cock bumping against her wet entrance snapped her attention back to the man turning her into a shuddering mess. He wrapped his hand behind her back and flipped her over so that her breasts squeezed against the fabric of the comforter. His hands gripped the insides of her upper thighs and spread them open, exposing her completely to him.
    She felt Ace’s cock press against her slit, rubbing up and down once, and then he pressed his full length into her in one thrust, making her scream at the fullness. He thrust into her, and his position gave his ample cock ready access to that magical spot inside her. With every stroke, he hit it, sending tiny electric shocks outward from her pussy to scatter over her body. No longer was she capable of coherent thought so she just felt. The only sounds that came from her were loud moans to match Ace’s primitive grunts.
    Something wet bumped against the side of Chelsea’s cheek, and she turned her head to see James kneeling on the bed beside her and his cock waiting at her mouth. His hands entangled in her hair and pushed her face forward. She readily obliged him, her tongue licking out to taste the liquid already pooled on the bulbous head of his cock. James looked down at her with a questioning look in his eyes. She gave a small nod, ghosting her lips over the head of his cock. He must have found the approval he sought because he caressed the back of her head with one hand and pressed his cock to the back of her throat. She sucked him in, feeling the tip of his head bump against the back of her throat as he timed his thrusts with Ace’s strokes into her pussy.
    Ace pushed himself into her faster and faster, and James withdrew from her mouth. Ace gripped her hips and pulled her against his cock, causing friction that created little sparks all the way to the hard pebbles of her nipples. Ace dipped a hand below her hips and pressed against her clit. She felt the orgasm building inside her, tightening her womb until she couldn’t take anymore. With one stroke directly against her G-spot and a sharp flick to her clit, Chelsea’s inner muscles spasmed around Ace, and something inside of her snapped, causing her consciousness to shatter into a million shining pieces of color as she found her ultimate satisfaction.
    She felt Ace pull out and place her gently back onto the bed. He rubbed the soft globes of her ass with one hand, a finger dipping into the forbidden crack. Chelsea’s arousal mounted again as that finger traced to her puckered hole, circled, and pushed through the ring. At that moment, she felt hot liquid pouring over her ass and lower back as Ace pumped his seed onto her. He collapsed against her, panting.
    “Hey, babe.” Ace grinned, trying to catch his breath.
    “Hi, Ace.” Chelsea giggled.
    “Okay, enough with the pleasantries,” James said from behind them. Chelsea turned her head and saw him standing there, cock in hand, clearly ready to find his release from his earlier

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