A Time for Change

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Book: A Time for Change by Marquaylla Lorette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marquaylla Lorette
    “Just a second, okay, let me catch my breath,” Ace responded. He placed a kiss on Chelsea’s nose and rose to his feet. Walking to the bathroom, Ace grabbed a washcloth and returned to clean his semen off Chelsea.
    Chelsea sat up, looking at Ace’s body, but James claimed her attention, though, with a hand behind her neck. Their faces met quickly, and James lapped into Chelsea’s mouth, her arousal back in full swing. He reached down, pinched a nipple, and squeezed. Chelsea squealed at the pressure.
    “I told you to give me a second.” Ace’s erection was hard again after watching his mates kiss. The passion between them was intense.
    “Shit, man, I was just kissing our lovely lady,” James responded after he pulled away from Chelsea. Ace gave a pointed nod to James’s substantial erection. “Okay, and maybe a little bit more.” Ace grunted at James then turned to Chelsea.
    “Ace, go lay down on the bed,” James said and watched with lust-filled eyes as his mate followed his directions.
    Saying nothing more, James moved toward Chelsea and put a hand over her wet mound. He parted her with his finger and darted into her, the suddenness of the action pulling her fully into the whirlpool of excitement building within her. A second finger joined the first but quickly pulled out. James examined his fingers for a moment, dripping with the cream he had drawn from Chelsea, and took hold of his cock, rubbing her juices onto its head. “Climb on top of Ace, Chelsea, on your hands and knees.” James instructed Chelsea and she happily complied.
    Looking over her shoulder, she watched as James grabbed the tube of lube from the side table and walked over to the bed. She felt the lube run down her crack as James prepared to stretch her. She felt James’s finger rim her rosette and she stiffened.
    “Relax, baby, let James stretch you. Let us take you together, baby,” Ace murmured to her. Turning her head so she was looking at him, she leaned down and kissed his, letting him know how much she loved him. Ace whispered against her lips, “Take me inside you, baby, ride me, give us all of you.” She lined up Ace’s cock against her drenched pussy, and easily slid down his cock, stopping when she felt the hairs of his pelvis brush against her pink folds.
    Slowly raising and lowering herself on Ace’s cock, she began to ride him, loving the stretched feeling of Ace’s thick cock. Feeling James’s fingers against her rosette again, Ace grabbed her hips to still her, he grabbed her head and pulled her in for a kiss. “Mmm,” she moaned against Ace’s mouth as she felt James insert one finger through her ring of muscles. He held his finger still, waiting for her to relax, and she knew it wouldn’t be long with Ace kissing her to distraction. She melted into Ace, relaxing, and James added another finger. James brought his other hand around her body, rubbing her clit as he inserted the two fingers inside her. She couldn’t stay still any longer, she had to move, had to get the friction her body was demanding. She started to ride Ace again, and Ace helped her by grabbing her hips and moving her up and down on his cock. Between the sensation of Ace’s cock moving in and out of her, and James scissoring his fingers in her ass, she was quickly on the brink of an orgasm. James smacked her ass, hard, pulling her away the orgasm out of reach.
    “Not yet, Chelsea, no coming until I am in your ass,” James said to her.
    “Hurry then, I need to come, dammit.”
    Ace chuckled hearing Chelsea demand her orgasm, knowing James would give it to her when he is ready for her to come.
    “Ace, hold her still while I enter her, let’s get her stuffed full of cock.”
    “Baby, come here, I need a kiss from you,” Ace said to her, so she leaned back down to give her mate the kiss he wanted. She felt Ace run his hand through her hair and hold her head in place, tilting her head to line up with his lips as his other hand

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