Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2
laughs were exactly what he needed.
    Andy was his friend—his best friend. He’d met her about two years ago and they’d been tied at the hip ever since. She was the person he spent his time with when not working. A twenty-six-year-old petite brunette with crystalline-blue eyes and a body a guy would follow anywhere. Skin covered in tattoos, and a few piercings, some visible some not. To some, she looked a little hard, but really, Andy was a complete sweetheart underneath the decorative canvas…and she happened to be a lesbian. Broke male hearts all over the state of New York, but he bet the lesbian community was damn glad to have her. God help him if his younger sister, Celia, ever caught sight of her.
    Jimmy swirled the shot in his hand before swallowing it in one gulp. Setting the glass next to the other empties, he excused himself and made his way to the men’s room. Stepping inside, he pulled out his cell. No messages from Sonja. A beat of impatience rolled through him. He was done waiting. Jimmy sighed, leaned against the sink and typed out a message letting her know where he was. Just the name of the bar, nothing more.
    Tucking his phone away, he handled business, washed his hands and went back out to join Andy. Fuck it. If Sonja continued to ignore him, he’d go to her office on Monday. He wanted to see her right now, but he’d suck it up and wait her out a little longer.
    Another round of beers arrived when Jimmy got back to the table. He was half buzzed already and at this rate he’d be stumbling home in another couple hours. Not the first time, probably not the last. Maybe he should find a cute college chickie to take home. A sour taste coated his tongue. Touching anyone besides his Sonja made his stomach fold in on itself. Jimmy coughed, then cleared his throat. His physical reaction shocked him. He’d never been a monogamous guy—not since he’d ended things with his ex, Gina, in college. Never bothered even trying to be in a committed relationship again after what had gone down between them.
    And here he was, not even fucking Sonja—yet—and he hadn’t looked at another girl all night. He was done for. Completely screwed without the actual screwing part. Shit.
    “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Andy looked at him over the top of her beer glass.
    “I’m screwed.”
    “Define screwed?” She took a sip.
    Jimmy sat back and ran his fingers through his hair. “We need another shot. Fuck me, I need another shot.”
    “Holy shit, you met someone, didn’t you?”
    “What? Pshaw, no. What makes you think that?” Jimmy took a swig of his Guinness and tried to bury the anxiety springing up like a damn rocket.
    Andy leaned forward on her elbows, a grin pasted on her lips. “Dude, you’re strung out. I didn’t realize it before, but holy shit I see it now. Who is she?”
    “Heh. Look, I’m fine. Let’s get some more shots. You should call your girl; see if she wants to come hang out.”
    “Jimmy Donnelly, no fucking fair. I tell you stuff all the time. Come on!”
    He chuckled. “There isn’t anything to tell. But I promise, if there is you’ll be the first to know.” He winked at her and waved for the waitress. “More shots, Andy. More shots.”

Chapter Eleven
    Sonja sat at her long, cherry-wood dining table and sipped her wine, watching her daughter and ex-husband carry on what seemed like endless conversation about every topic under the sun. “Dinner is delicious. Thank you both again for cooking.” She smiled at her daughter and took another bite of her pasta.
    “You’re quite welcome, Sonja.” Thomas nodded, a casual smile on his face. She knew better than to take it as genuine or heartfelt.
    “Daddy and I love to cook together. It was fun.” Casey smiled…at her father.
    Sonja swallowed another sip of Chianti. She was glad her daughter loved her father so much, but jealousy still burned in her throat. Of course Casey loved him. He never did any of the heavy lifting. Even

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