Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3)

Free Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3) by Jessica Wilde

Book: Missing (The Brannock Siblings Book 3) by Jessica Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Wilde
    "So? How'd it go?"
    I hesitated long enough for him to understand that the night
hadn't turned out the way I hoped it would.
    "That bad, huh?"
    "Shit, Con. She's the neighbor."
    "What? The neighbor. Who's the neighbor? The red
    "Well, Gus, I already knew that, but I don't get how
that has to do with-" he paused suddenly and then burst out laughing.
"Wait, wait, wait! Your date was your neighbor? The red head you can't
    I growled into the phone and dropped my head into my hand,
    "Oh, God. That's… that's just hilarious! So fucking
hilarious! Hey, Em, guess what?"
    "I'm gonna go, Con. Just hold off on telling Luke. He's
going to want to put his two cents in and I'm not ready to talk to him
    "Why not?" he asked with a chuckle and I heard
Emily in the background asking what was so funny.
    Apparently, Ash still hadn't told him about the pregnancy
and I wasn't about to, so I let him tell Emily what was going on instead of
answering him. Her laughter was refreshing, but it was still annoying how much
entertainment they were getting out of my love life.
    "I'll talk to you guys later. I've got plans tonight
with Aiden and I don't want your attitudes to mess the vibes I'm trying to hold
on to."
    "Who is Aiden?"
    "My neighbor."
    "She agreed to see you again? After all the shit you
two have done to each other."
    "Yeah. She drives me crazy, but you don't get it, Con.
I was talking to her for months and I… I can't just let that go." I wanted
to say I was falling for her, had already fallen hard for the side of
her I knew so well. Now, after seeing all of her, knowing the other side
of the woman that I couldn't stand but couldn't seem to stay away from… no way
I could shut my eyes now.
    "No, Gus. I do get it. I told you that you were
next. Embrace it and I'll tell you what Luke told me when I was first with
Emily. Fighting it only makes it worse. It's worth it, brother."
    "Thanks, Con."
    His voice was muffled and the softness in his tone told me
they were having a moment together based on what he had just said. I wanted to
get the hell off the phone, but no luck.
    "Em wants a word," Con said quickly and handed off
the phone.
    "Gus, I'm so happy for you," Emily exclaimed. I
missed her just as much as I missed Ash. She had become a good friend to me
since she first entered our lives and she was too good for my brother, but he
already knew that.
    "Nothing has happened yet, Em. She still can't stand
me, but I'm going to change that."
    "A woman doesn't make plans with someone she can't
stand, Gus. From what you've told us about her, your neighbor especially doesn't make plans with someone she can't stand. She's good for you, I've known
all along."
    I wasn't sure how, but I knew without a doubt she was
telling the truth. These women knew things that we men could never hope to
understand. It's just how God made us. At least, that's what Mom always said
and what was proven to us over and over again.
    "We'll see what happens tonight. I'm not about to give
her up because of a misunderstanding."
    "Good. We'll talk later then."
    "Sounds good. Love you guys."
    "You, too. Bye."
    Yep, Emily was good for Con and my brother knew he didn't
deserve her, but he wasn't going to stop trying.
    It was on that thought that I heard the voices out in the
    Then a small giggle.
    Little Aiden.
    Then a knock on my door.
    I didn't think it would be Aiden herself because let's face
it, she couldn't be as desperate as I was to see her. At least, that's how it
appeared. After the months we'd spent getting to know each other and realizing
we really didn't know much at all, I still didn't doubt she was the one I
wanted. I had never been so sure of anything in my life than I was in that
moment at the restaurant when our eyes connected and knowledge rained down.
    It was only made clearer by her fiery attitude.
    I opened the door to find Lily standing there with a beaming
smile and a hand on her hip. She was

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