Red Phoenix

Free Red Phoenix by Kylie Chan

Book: Red Phoenix by Kylie Chan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Chan
Tags: Fiction
Dark Lord regarding the management of the temple?’ I asked. ‘I’ll be helping out after he’s gone. You said the temple had just been renovated? It looks terrific, they did a great job.’
    The priest smiled with appreciation. ‘I think I will enjoy working with you, Lady Emma. Let me tell you about the management of the temple, and what your part will be.’
    John sipped his tea, his eyes sparkling over the rim of the tea cup as we talked about administration and funding.
    Simone was still heady with excitement as we took the boat back to Hong Kong Island. It was well past midnight, but she was full of nervous energy.
    She eventually couldn’t hold it any longer and whispered in my ear, ‘Now?’
    I nodded and she wriggled with delight. She went to the galley of the boat, opened a cupboard and pulled out a red-wrapped gift.
    She took it to her father and held it out to him.
    ‘Happy birthday, Daddy,’ she said, very serious, then kissed him on the cheek.
    John shot me a delighted glance and then grinned broadly at the gift. ‘I think this is the first time for me.’
    ‘Open it now, Western-style. We want to see your face,’ I said.
    Simone came and sat next to me to watch. ‘Yeah, Daddy, open it.’
    I quickly pulled a camera out as John proceeded to undo the tape that held the gift wrap. He pulled the wrap away, held the box up, turned it the right way up, then stared at it with shock.
    I took a photo just as he lit up with a huge delighted grin and then roared with laughter. Got it.
    ‘Do you like it, Daddy?’ Simone said. ‘You can put it on your desk next to your computer monitor.’
    ‘Was this your idea?’ John asked Simone, still grinning broadly.
    Simone glanced at me then back to her father without saying anything.
    John turned the Ninja Turtle figure around so that we could see it. In Hong Kong the Ninja Turtles were called the Hero Turtles; the word ‘Ninja’ had too many unpleasant connotations. It meant ‘assassin’ in Japanese and was associated with stealthy murderers with no honour, completely at odds with the Western image of the powerful Ninja fighter.
    ‘Two swords,’ he said. ‘I only have one sword.’
    ‘You have two,’ Simone said. ‘Seven Stars and Dark Heavens.’
    ‘I suppose I do.’ He turned the box back around and studied the turtle figure. ‘It looks just like me.’
    ‘That’s the idea.’ I couldn’t hold it any more. Simone let go as well and we clutched each other and giggled with delight. That photo was very, very precious.
    The minute we were home John took the turtle out of the box and put it carefully next to his monitor. It stayed on his desk, guarding his mess, for a long time.

    J ohn tapped on my bedroom door. ‘I’m in the middle of something,’ I growled loudly. ‘Can’t it wait?’
    He poked his head around the door. ‘I have something to show you.’
    I glared suspiciously at him. ‘Not another priceless antique weapon.’
    ‘No. Something for you.’ He gestured with his head. ‘Come and see.’
    I pushed myself away from my desk. ‘Oh, all right. But I need to finish this tonight.’
    ‘Don’t worry, it won’t take long.’ He opened the door for me. ‘It’s downstairs.’
    He couldn’t control his expression as we went down in the lift together. I had never seen him looking quite so smug.
    ‘What have you bought?’ I said. ‘You’ll see.’
    We went out of the ground-floor lift lobby and into the car park that surrounded the building.
    He raised one hand towards the mid-size black Mercedes parked next to his.
    ‘That’s for you.’
    I stopped dead, then spun to face him and pointed at it. ‘I don’t want this. Why didn’t you ask me first? This is totally unsuitable.’
    He was taken aback. ‘What’s wrong with it? Is it too small?’
    I sighed with exasperation and dropped my hand. ‘No, John, it’s much too big. I’d really prefer something much smaller, that’s easy to drive around and park. And

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