Fallen Too Far

Free Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines

Book: Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Glines
door and I didn’t wait around any longer. I hurried out the door and down the steps. I’d go get the drink cart ready and wait on Bethann there.
                  “Hey, wait up,” the girl called from behind me. I stopped and looked back at her as she ran to catch up. “Sorry, that was brutal in there. I wish you hadn’t seen or heard it.”
                  She was… nice. “That’s okay,” I replied.
                  “I go by Bethy by the way. Not Bethann. That’s just what my dad calls me so my Aunt Darla does too. And you’re the infamous Blaire Wynn I’ve heard so much about.” The smile in her voice told me she wasn’t being mean.
                  “I’m sorry if your aunt has shoved me down your throat.” I cut my eyes over at her and her bright red plump lips curved into a smile.
                  “Oh, I wasn’t talking about my aunt. I was talking about the guys. Woods especially likes you a lot. I hear that you caused a little stir last night at that bitch Nan’s birthday party. Wish I could have seen that but the hired help doesn’t get invites to those things.”
                  I loaded the cart while Bethy stood there watching me. She was twirling a lock of her long brown hair around her finger and smiling at me. “So, you’re my only in. Tell me all about it.”
                  There wasn’t much to tell. I shrugged and walked over to get into the driver’s side once I had the cart loaded. “I went to the party because I’m sleeping under the stairs at Rush’s until I have enough money to move out which should be real soon. It was a mistake. He didn’t like me showing up. That’s about it.”
                  Bethy plopped down on the seat beside me and crossed her legs. “That is not at all what I heard. Jace said that Rush saw Woods touching you and went ape shit.”
                  “Jace misunderstood. Trust me. Rush doesn’t care who touches me.”
                  Bethy sighed, “It sucks being the poor folks, doesn’t it? The hotties never look at us seriously. We’re just another fuck.”
                  Was that really the way it was for her? Had she just given in and become the girl they tossed aside? She was too pretty for that. Guys back home would drool at her feet. They might not have millions in the bank but they were good guys from good families.
                  “Aren’t there any attractive guys who aren’t filthy rich around? The crowd that comes here can’t be all there is to choose from. Surely you can find a guy who doesn’t cast you aside the next morning.”
                  Bethy frowned and shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to bag a millionaire, ya know? Live the good life. But I’m beginning to see that isn’t in the cards for me.”
                  I made my way to the first hole. “Bethy, you’re beautiful. You deserve more than what you’re getting. Start shopping for a man somewhere else. Find one that doesn’t want you for sex. Find one that wants you. Just you.”
                  “Well hell, I may have just fallen in love with you too,” she replied teasingly and laughed. She propped her feet up on the dash as I pulled up to the first golfers of the morning.
                  I didn’t see a younger guy anywhere. They typically weren’t early morning risers. For a little while I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping Bethy from doing the nasty in the bushes or wherever it was she was doing it while working.
                  Four hours later, when we pulled up to the third hole for the third time I recognized Woods and company. Bethy sat up straight in her seat and the excited expression on her face put me on high alert. She was like a little puppy dog waiting for someone to throw her a bone.

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