His Christmas Present

Free His Christmas Present by Serenity Woods

Book: His Christmas Present by Serenity Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serenity Woods
    “Oh…um…” She
closed her eyes as he touched his tongue to the pulse point on her neck. “I
don’t.” She was not going to think about the fact that she and Cody had
only ever had sex in bed, usually lying down, with him on top. “I’m…um…not sure
what I do want though.”
    “Oh, I think I
know what you want,” he said silkily. He nipped her earlobe, making her gasp,
then sucked it and ran his tongue around the shell of her ear. “You want to be
desired.” His deep voice made her melt from the stomach up, as if she were a
block of ice left out in the sun. “You don’t want pleases and thankyous, and
nice-and-polite, and gentle affection.” He kissed down her jaw to her mouth and
let his lips hover above hers. “You want a man to want you more than any other
woman he’s ever met—so much so that it drives him mad.” His eyes bored into
hers, intense and demanding.
    She swallowed, her
breasts heaving and pressing against his chest. “Yes.”
    “Well, Megan, I
can safely say that I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want you at this
moment.” He ran his gaze down her, lingering almost insolently on her breasts
and making her ache with desire. His thumbs stroked her palms, but he didn’t
release her hands. “And I’m not leaving this room until I’ve had you. Several
times, in as many places and positions as we can manage, and until you’ve had
at least half a dozen orgasms.”
    Her face flamed.
“Oh dear God.”
    He chuckled. “Can
you cope with that?”
    Her knees wobbled.
“Possibly not,” she squeaked.
    He moved closer,
pressing her up against the bedpost. “Tough.” And then he kissed her.
    She’d never been
kissed like it. If the kiss in the elevator had warmed her, then this set her
alight. He crushed his lips to hers and plunged his tongue into her mouth,
tasting her, groaning as she returned it enthusiastically. She tugged her
hands, wanting to touch him, and he released them, pulling her forward to
tighten his arms around her. She brushed her thumb against his cheek, feeling
the unfamiliar scrape of stubble against the pad, then slipped her fingers into
his hair, loving the way the short strands at the back turned longer and
silkier on top.
    “Time we got some
of these clothes off,” he murmured.
    “Yes,” she agreed.
More than anything she wanted to feel him against her and touch his warm skin.
however, that also meant taking off her own clothes. What if he didn’t like
what he saw underneath? At least she was wearing the pretty underwear she’d
bought for the holiday. Be grateful for small mercies, Megan. In her
head, she thanked anyone listening from above that she wasn’t wearing the
all-in-one body smoother she might otherwise have put on underneath such a figure
hugging dress.
    She unbuttoned his
jacket and pushed it off his shoulders, and he caught it as it slipped down and
tossed it onto a nearby chair.
    “You wear a suit really well.” Wide-eyed, she smoothed her hands over his waistcoat.
    “All men look good
in a suit.” He kissed her again, halting her reply, but she pushed him back for
a moment, enjoying the view too much.
    “That may be true,
but you…well, you’re just…gorgeous.” She ran her hands down to his hips and
paused. His erection strained against his dark grey pants, and her fingers
itched to touch it.
    He looked down at
himself, then back at her, amused. “You’re shocked? You look fantastic in that
dress. Half of me would like to fuck you in it, but the other half wants you
naked, and I’m afraid that half is winning.” His eyes were challenging. He
wanted to shock her.
    She caught her
breath at his words, his raw announcement both scandalous and exciting. She’d
never been brave enough to talk dirty with Cody, as if their relationship had
been a shallow sea that prohibited diving. But Dion’s words gave her courage
and made her want to plunge into this exciting, unusual ocean of discovery

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