His Christmas Present

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Book: His Christmas Present by Serenity Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serenity Woods
kneading the muscles as he kissed across her pubic
    And then his
tongue slid into her, and she gasped, the fingers of one hand tightening in his
hair while the other clenched into a fist on his shoulder.
    Dion murmured
something indistinguishable and buried his mouth in her, and she groaned and
scraped her nails across his shoulder. He put a hand behind her knee and lifted
it, and she rested a foot on the wooden ledge of the bed under the mattress,
unable to believe she was actually doing this.
    Now with better
access, he moved a hand beneath her and teased her lips apart with his fingers.
Then he brushed his tongue over her clit at the same time as he slid two
fingers inside her.
    Megan exclaimed
out loud and looked up at the ceiling, struggling to retain some self-control. An
orgasm hovered just out of reach, and her cheeks warmed that it had taken so
little to turn her on.
    But she couldn’t
do much about it. His expert touch inside her, combined with the stroke of his
tongue, made her traitorous body tighten in spite of her wish to wait.
    “Dion,” she said
with a gasp, and he responded by sucking her clit hard and pressing his fingers
firmly inside her. She came blissfully, tipping her head back and giving
herself over to the heavenly sensations, her muscles tightening around his
fingers in long, exquisite pulses.
    When the waves
died down, he slowly kissed back up her body as he stood.
    He pulled her into
his arms and kissed her mouth, not seeming to care that she’d be able to taste
her own arousal on his lips. “There,” he said when he eventually lifted his
head. His warm hazel eyes were dark and intense. “And now we can really take
our time.”
    He started to
unbutton his shirt, and she joined him with fumbling fingers. He just made
me come with his mouth. Dear God. And he’d actually seemed to enjoy it. Cody
hadn’t been fond of oral sex. Well, of giving it anyway.
    “Thank you,” she
whispered as she undid the last button.
    He chuckled. “My
pleasure, honey.” He bent to kiss her, then murmured, “you taste sublime.”
    “Oh, goodness.”
Her cheeks burned.
    “What?” He ran his
tongue along her bottom lip. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s only me.”
    “It’s the fact
that it’s you that makes me embarrassed,” she admitted.
    He slipped off his
shirt and put his arms around her. “What do you mean?”
    She caught her
breath. Holy moly . “Dion, my God, look at you.”
    He glanced down at
himself. “What?”
    “Where did all
these muscles come from? And this hair?” She ran her fingers through the light
scattering of brown hair across his chest. “You’re all grown up.”
    “Yeah.” He cupped
her breasts. “We’re not kids anymore.”
    “No.” He was all man
now, and she was all woman, a perfect combination. It should always be this way,
hot and fiery, with desire overpowering any fears and worries. How had she
thought what she had with Cody was real passion?
     She reached up on
her tiptoes, ran her tongue along his bottom lip, then grazed it between her
teeth. “And I want you inside me,” she whispered. “Now.”
    He met her gaze,
his eyes blazing. Then he kissed her, hard, while he undid the buttons of his
pants and slid down the zipper. He pushed them down and flicked them off with
his socks, and her eyes widened at the sight of him in his boxer-briefs, his
erection looking very eager for some action.
    “I always guessed
you’d be impressive,” she said, running a finger down him, “but, Dion,
seriously, wow.”
    “Thank you,
sweetheart,” he said wryly as he removed his last item of clothing. “I’m sure that
comment reflects your lack of experience rather than anything remarkable on my
part, but I appreciate the sentiment.” He picked up the box of condoms, ripped
off the packaging impatiently and removed one of them. “Now then.” He pulled
her back into his arms. “Where were we?”

Chapter Twelve
    She kissed him
hungrily, growing desperate to have

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