His Christmas Present

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Book: His Christmas Present by Serenity Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serenity Woods
    She moved a hand
from his hips to the front of his pants, slid it down his erection, then back
up. “And I want that in me,” she said, lowering her voice. “Now.”
    He met her gaze,
and then to her surprise gave a bark of laughter before cupping her face in his
hands. “There’s my girl.” He kissed her hungrily while behind her back he found
her zipper and drew it down her spine, the brush of his fingers on her bare
skin sending shivers through her. Then he moved back and bent to take the hem
of her dress in his hands. He drew it smoothly up her body, and she raised her
arms for him to lift it over her head.
    He dropped it
carefully on top of his jacket, then came back to study her, his hands on her
hips. “Fuck me, you’re stunning.”
    Her cheeks burned,
but as his gaze raked her from the lacy black bra down to her barely-there
panties, she tucked her hands behind her butt so she couldn’t cover herself and
let him admire her, meeting his gaze openly as he raised his to meet hers.
    “You like?” she
asked innocently. In spite of her nerves, she knew she didn’t have a bad
    He smiled ruefully.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve tried to picture you naked over the
    “Really?” She had
difficult believing it.
    “Really.” He
watched her as she began to unbutton his waistcoat. “I tried to imagine how
you’d grown up, but I never thought you’d look as amazing as this.”
    “Oh stop it,” she
scoffed, pushing the waistcoat off his shoulders. “You’re going to get in my panties,
you don’t have to keep on.”
    He let the
waistcoat drop, then took her hands and moved them behind her back. “Someone
seriously needs to teach you how desirable you are.” He held her tightly as he
nipped her bottom lip with his teeth.
    “Mm…” She lifted
her chin, trying to play the game. “And I suppose you think you’re the man for
the job?”
    “Yes,” he growled,
and behind her back his fingers moved to her bra strap, and then the elastic
    He released her
arms and drew the bra down them before throwing it to one side. Then he pushed
her back up against the bedpost, none too gently, and moved close to her,
pinioning her against the post.
    She splayed her
fingers on his white shirt, conscious of her bare chest pressing against the
white shirt, overwhelmed by his height and breadth and passion.
    “And now I’m going
to show you,” he whispered.
    “I…oh…” She caught
her breath as he cupped her breasts in his hands and ran his thumbs across her
nipples. They’d softened in the warm atmosphere, but as he teased them with his
fingers they tightened into firm buds.
    He kissed her as
he played with them, rolling them gently with the pads of his thumb, and then
plucking them more firmly until she moaned with pleasure, an ache growing
between her thighs.
    He lowered his
head and took one in his mouth, and she arched her back, clenching her hand in
his hair as he sucked it and laved it with his tongue then transferred his
mouth to the other nipple. After sucking that one to a peak too, he came back
to kiss her, his fingers now playing with the wet skin. It was so sensitive she
could have come like that, but Dion had other ideas.
    He lifted his head
and toed off his shoes, then sank to his knees before her, still clothed,
kissing down her ribs and stomach as he did so. Megan leaned back against the
post, hoping it would help support her wobbly knees as he ran his hands up her
thighs, followed by his tongue. She closed her eyes as he kissed across her
hipbones and stomach and then nuzzled between her legs, inhaling as he did so.
    “You smell so
good,” he murmured, and she tipped back her head, biting her lip. Was this
really happening? Please don’t let this all be a dream.
    He hooked his
fingers in her panties and pulled them down her legs. She stepped out of them,
eyes still tightly closed, and then his hands were moving up her thighs and
around to cup her bottom,

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