The Vampire and the Man-Eater

Free The Vampire and the Man-Eater by G. A. Hauser, Stephanie Vaughan

Book: The Vampire and the Man-Eater by G. A. Hauser, Stephanie Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. A. Hauser, Stephanie Vaughan
Tags: General Fiction
replacing my lost blood."
    "Shut up, Brock." Eli winced as he poured.
    "Sorry, I'm trying to see the humor in it."
    "Will you be okay for work tomorrow?"
    "Of course." Brock sipped the wine, indeed feeling slightly better with a good plateful of pasta and some robust red merlot.
    "Where does Dan live?"
    "No clue." Brock devoured his meal heartily.
    "Don't you guys talk?"
    "Not really." Brock caught Eli's pained expression. "I'm not big on conversation. You know that."
    "Do I? We talk."
    "We don't do anything else, Eli. Look, don't start that topic again."
    After Eli ate quietly, he sipped his wine and stared at Brock. Brock laughed, "See? Without sex talk we have nothing to discuss either."
    "I could think of dozens of topics to bring up. I just know you'll give me one and two word answers."
    "Try me."
    "Okay. What do you think of the upcoming election?"
    "It sucks."
    Smiling ironically, Eli finished eating in silence.
    "What?" Brock asked, dabbing his lip with the napkin.
    The Vampire and the Man-eater
    by G.A. Hauser
    "Never mind."
    Passing on dessert, Brock watched Eli enjoy a slice of tiramisu and sip his coffee. His mind already wandering, Brock was wondering what Daniel was doing. Where did he live? Brock should at least get his phone number.
    Letting his meal digest as he relaxed, Brock waited until Eli pushed his dessert plate aside and asked, "You ready?"
    "Yes." Brock threw some cash on the table.
    Eli counted it and added to it.
    Thanking the host as they left, Eli walked Brock to his lobby door.
    "You want me to wait until you catch a cab?" Brock asked, taking out his key.
    "You don't have to."
    "I will."
    Acknowledging him, Eli stood at the curb and attempted to flag one down.
    Brock turned around. Daniel was standing in the shadows.
    Eli spun to look in surprise just as a cab veered to pick him up. "You want me to hang around?" Eli asked.
    Brock knew Eli was protecting him, but did Brock want protection? "No. Go ahead. I'll talk to you soon."
    When Daniel emerged into the light of the entrance of the lobby, Eli stared at him. Brock thought Eli appeared mesmerized.
    "Hello, again," Daniel greeted Eli.
    "Uh ... hi. You sure, Brock?"
    The Vampire and the Man-eater
    by G.A. Hauser
    "Sure about what, Brock?" Daniel snaked his hand around Brock's waist.
    Instantly Brock was erect and horny. "I'm sure."
    Giving Brock a last warning glance, Eli climbed into the cab, staring through the window as it drove off.
    "Dan, I'll only let you up to my place if you promise none of that bloodletting crap. I'm beginning to feel lousy."
    Daniel embraced him full on, connecting their hips and torsos. "You are so handsome."
    His willpower weakening with Daniel's hot body pressed against his, Brock knew he couldn't say no to this man. "All right, but just for an hour. I have to go to work tomorrow."
    "I understand." Daniel kissed him, releasing Brock so he could unlock the door.
    As they waited for the elevator, Brock asked, "Where do you live? Close by?"
    "That man. He is your closest friend?"
    "Yes. Did I tell you that?" Brock entered the elevator.
    When they were closed in, Daniel body-slammed Brock against the wall, sucking at his lips, rubbing Brock's cock through his slacks.
    Brock's head went into a tailspin, one he was becoming familiar with, but didn't necessarily like. Parting from Daniel's mouth, Brock whispered, "All right. Let's at least get inside before you molest me."
    "Yes. Let me molest you." Daniel chuckled.
    Shaking his head in amusement, Brock opened his door and tossed his keys on a side table. "Do you—" about to offer 84
    The Vampire and the Man-eater
    by G.A. Hauser
    Daniel a nightcap, Brock was picked up like he was a feather, tossed over Daniel's shoulder and carried to the bedroom.
    "Jesus, Dan!" Brock was floored by his strength. Yes, Daniel was a big man, but so was he. He didn't know how easily he could hoist Daniel over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

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