Crimson Reign

Free Crimson Reign by J.T. Cheyanne, V.L. Moon

Book: Crimson Reign by J.T. Cheyanne, V.L. Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.T. Cheyanne, V.L. Moon
for Lachi here to have to pay you a midnight monster visit. The vampire King is damned scary with his fangs dripping saliva and his eyes glowing an unholy red.”
    Malachi inclined his head to Gregori. “Have a splendid evening, Your Grace. As always, it was a joy conversing with you. Laziel.” Lachi cocked a brow.
    In the hallway outside the Pope’s ante chamber, Ms. Stroner waited, impeccable in her business suit. Hands folded demurely before her, she waited patiently as they approached. Malachi conceded that Darklon and his cronies had indeed picked a lovely female as their prospect for the new Queen. The striking combination of dark chocolate eyes and honey blond hair coupled with an hourglass figure set many hearts to pounding when they entered his office. But, what Darklon hadn’t banked on was the female’s absolute loyalty to her King.
    Almost two months prior, Lachi had been alone in his office, a rarity as Laziel seldom left his side. Looking back, the meeting had been orchestrated perfectly. She’d appeared in the doorway within minutes of Laz’s departure provocatively dressed, heavily made up and cleverly enthralled. By rote, she stated that she was his new secretary appointed by the Council to help him with the neglected paperwork. She’d strolled toward him, her body language offering more than clerical assistance. It was her eyes, flat and lifeless that caught Malachi’s attention.
    In a matter of seconds, he’d punched through the enchantment leaving her blinking in surprise. Ms. Stroner had grabbed her head and moaned, but when Malachi moved to steady her, she’d gasped and dropped to one knee ripping the skin tight material of her dress. The smell of her fear had enraged him. He’d knelt in front of her and lifted her chin to find sparkling tears rolling silently down her face. She remembered the ad in the paper, the interview before the Elders, but the week prior had been a blur. She’d pledged her allegiance then offered her throat fully expecting her death. He’d invaded her mind searching for any indication of dishonesty or treachery, but found only purity and a fierce loyalty.
    By the time the angel reappeared, Malachi had settled her at a desk just outside his office and had her revealing wardrobe replaced with proper office attire. Uncharacteristically, Malachi trusted her, much to Laziel’s dismay. Since then, she’d returned on two occasions under the thrall of the same vampire. Malachi recognized the mind imprint, but couldn’t determine the source. The continued attempts to control her infuriated the female, strengthening her determination to protect her sovereign. Grudgingly, the angel accepted her as part of the staff, but Malachi felt his animosity whenever the female entered the room.
    “Don’t know why you had to move her into your private quarters.” Even now, the angel grumbled.
    “Safety angel, hers and mine. Besides, you know I’d be more tempted by one of your guards than the female, yet you never get territorial when they come around.” Malachi delighted in teasing the celestial.
    “That’s because they know I’ll rip their dicks off,” Laz snapped as he sidestepped the female and headed off down the hall in the direction of his private chapel.
    “Your Majesty, while you were in the meeting, the alarm for Laziel’s chapel sounded. I tried the camera but there was only static.”
    “Yes, Ms. Stroner. Laziel was notified and has gone now to check the area. Please cancel any appointments scheduled for this afternoon. Something pressing demands my attention.”
    “But Sire, Mendeeto is already here in the foyer.”
    Malachi growled in frustration. “He'll have to wait. Apologize for my delay. I'm not sure how long I'll be.”
    Confusion clouded the female's face for a second then disappeared. She squared her shoulders and smiled.
    “I will take care of him, my liege. Take all the time you require.” Malachi watched her disappear through the double doors

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