Taken - A Gangster Stepbrother Romance

Free Taken - A Gangster Stepbrother Romance by Michaela Adams

Book: Taken - A Gangster Stepbrother Romance by Michaela Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michaela Adams
                  Antonio looked down, his lips quirking with humor. “You survived,” he said lowly so only the two of them could hear. “I’m a little insulted that you weren’t this nervous about meeting the head of the Del Marco Clan.”
                  Emma huffed a laugh. “Maybe that was because I had moved straight past nervous and right into piss my boots fear.”
                  A grin cracked his face. That familiar warm glow lightened his eyes. “Really? Then you hid it well, sweetheart. I thought you quite brave.”
                  Emma gaped at him, unsure as to what to say. A rush of warmth flooded her body as another guest came, shaking Antonio’s hand eagerly, saving her from having to figure out a response to his unexpected comment.
                  And just like that, Emma watched herself be taken under Antonio’s charming and protective wing. He kept her close, made proper introductions, never letting her feel lost or alone. His comments were always incredibly flattering as well. When a politician’s wife remarked on how beautiful Emma was, Antonio quirked his lips and said, “It really isn’t fair. Emma has all the looks and the brains in the family. Did I mention she graduated from USC? Summa cum laude.”
                  And as if Emma wasn’t already shocked by this new side of Antonio, she was nearly floored when after another politician’s introduction, Antonio pulled her towards the dance floor.
                  “Are we dancing?” Emma asked in shock, her voice almost cracking at the thought.
                  Pulling her to him, Antonio wrapped his strong arm around her lower back, capturing her hand in his. As the orchestra played a soft, lilting song, Antonio smoothly led her around the dance floor. “Yes, we’re dancing,” he whispered in her ear.
                  With the chandeliers glowing above them and the sconces lit around them, the whole ballroom felt like a huge, beautiful fantasy. She could hear the swish of her full skirts as they slowly danced. Looking at her wrist, the sparkles of the diamonds caught the light, making the stones glint and wink at her. Emma followed the line of her wrist up to her hand which was currently swallowed up by Antonio’s bigger, stronger one.
                  She looked up, suddenly feeling quite shy. Who was Antonio Del Marco? The man who had destroyed her life in his office that day? The man who had watched over her and had created a trust in her name? Or the man here, who stood so charming and tall over this crowd of society’s best?
                  “What are you thinking about?” Antonio asked, his gray eyes nearly charcoal in the dim glowing lights of the ballroom. He effortlessly led her around the dance floor, his strong arms guiding her swiftly and smoothly.
                  Emma swallowed. She thought about making some kind of offhand joke about the food the rich eat for dinner or a remark about how itchy her dress was. But instead she said softly, “I’m wondering if this is all real.”
                  Antonio’s gaze blazed something hot. His arms tightened about her. She could see something like longing and regret shadowing his eyes. For the first time, she felt like she could see behind the mask of coolness he wore. She felt like she was meeting Antonio Del Marco for the first time. “Me too,” he said quietly, his voice thick with unsaid emotions. He held her tightly. Emma thought about the donations to her schools, the sudden reveal of her trust fund by the Grants. “Me too.” His voice seemed to echo through her chest.
                  But before they could drift into the next song, Antonio’s head snapped up. His back straightened and his whole body stiffened. Emma tried to turn around but

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