
Free Isaura by Ruth Silver

Book: Isaura by Ruth Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Silver
Tags: Dystopian YA
situated. I could make out the tiny light from a window in a nearby suite and
knew that electricity was not hidden away as it had been in Shadow. Each town
seemed as if in its own world. It was hard to imagine how they each functioned
without any outside help. Torv had managed to survive on its own, at the cost
of its soldiers. Clearly Spade had found a way to protect itself.
    I glanced across the city square. The ground was made of
stone just like the walls and tower. It was flat and dull gray with the
moonlight reflecting a strange blue tint. I wandered towards the tower and my
suite taking my time to catch sight of everyone going about their business.
Although dark and growing late, no curfew was in order.
    I headed inside, climbing the tower and stopping momentarily
as I peered through a window. Unlike in Genesis, I could see for miles from the
wall. Just beyond the barrier and gates were animals grazing and a garden I
hadn't seen before. I walked upstairs pausing when I saw Tria.
    “I'm sorry,” I quickly said. “I hadn't meant to offend you
at dinner.” The way these people lived would take some getting used to.
    Tria smiled politely, though I couldn't quite read her as
she answered me, “None taken.” She brushed by as she headed down and I turned
towards her.
    “Where do you sleep?” I asked. Maybe it was the rudest
question, but I couldn't imagine the tower housed everyone in Spade. Or perhaps
it did and there were fewer people here than I thought?
    “In the maid's quarters.”
    “Wait? You're the maid who received the child from Torv?” I
tried to make sense of it.
    She gave me a funny look. “No, that's Arianna. We're
neighbors though,” Tria answered. “Is there something I can get for you?” she
    “Are you happy here?” I asked. I'd witnessed a servant’s
life in Genesis. Anita had been murdered and Lisa, well, I didn't want to think
what might have happened to her in the Governor's mansion.
    “Of course.” Tria smiled. “It's an adjustment leaving your
home and coming to Spade,” she confessed. “But I've been given a new life. I
wouldn't trade it for anything.”
    “Thank you. Have a good night.”
    She smiled and headed down the way I came. I waited for a
moment before turning and finding my way to my room. Flipping on the light, I
was thrilled that I didn't have to use blackout shutters or a candle. I walked
towards the window, staring out into the courtyard. I could just make out
Tria's small frame as she headed home for the night.

    I spent most of the night lying in bed, staring up at the
ceiling. I couldn't sleep. Joshua came back to the room, showered and fell
asleep. I was tired, probably overtired. I couldn't sleep. My mind kept ticking
away, racing with thoughts of Isaura. Would she find us in Spade? I hoped we
were safe, but I didn't want to put any more people at risk.
    I needed to run, to exercise, do something. Back in Shadow,
I worked out and trained daily. It had helped me sleep and clear my head. I
hated that I could never return home.
    I sat up and climbed out of bed. Joshua hadn't stirred. I
grabbed a robe, slipping it on before I snuck out of my room. Stepping out into
the hall, I ran straight into Henry.
    “What are you doing up at this hour?” he asked, looking me
    “Couldn't sleep,” I answered, glancing down the hallway.
Torches lit the way and the light burned my eyes until they adjusted. I didn't
get the opportunity to ask him why he was still up.
    “Come with me,” he offered taking my arm as he led me down
the tower.
    I followed, tying the robe tight as I made my way down with
Henry. “Where are we going?” I asked as his hand left my arm.
    “I thought you might want a snack,” he suggested as he led
me towards the kitchen. I followed him trying to remember the way.
    “I'm not sure I'm hungry.” At least that wasn't what kept me
awake. We maneuvered through two hallways and a corridor before we entered the

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