Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice
make sure his/her favorites make it into your life, too? I
know, sounds like a marriage. It's far more than that, of course
- spousal support is only the support base for a highly evolved
structured relationship.
    The fact that you own a slave does not excuse you from reinforcing in your slave extreme feelings of love and warmth toward you
as Master and an appreciation for how lucky your slave is that
you accepted him/her. Often, my slave will ask me what I want
for the evening. My unswerving answer is: "What I want is that
tomorrow morning you open your eyes in bed and you say to
me: `Wow! What a fabulous night we had last night, thank you
so much."
    Chapter Summary
    Okay, we've been grappling with some of the core elements of
a relationship. I asked you to consider why this person wants to
be a slave - in general - and YOUR slave, in particular. I spent
some time discussing how ego and insecurity, love and emotions
enter into relationships. Next, I challenged you to examine some possible negative features of your own personality and behavior,
then moved on to describe some attributes you might want to
consider when choosing a mate. From there, I asked you what
role you intended to play within your M/s dynamic, what activities
you were considering, and by what authority system you felt you
were a Master. This part of the book ended with a discussion of
ways you could possibly solidify or re-create yourself as a business leader - a business leader who owns a very valuable asset:
a slave.


It is a widely-held dream among Leatherfolk and one that
manifests itself in many ways both in fantasy and in reality. It is our subculture's expression of love and support, a
beautiful variant on the ideal biological family combined with
flavors of hippy communal living, an Arabian Nights harem, a
pirate ship, and grandma's house all rolled into one.
    Jack Rinella,
Leatherviews Issue number 40 (September 21, 2006)
    The Leather Household is one of the distinguishing characteristics
of the Leather Lifestyle. It also distinguishes a Leather Master/
slave relationship from a Not-Leather M/s relationship. That is
- the Leather Family lives and acts in the context of the customs
and traditions of their own Leather Household. That Household
(or House) is known by its characteristics. These characteristics
fall into certain general categories:
    • Household creed and protocols
    • Expectations governing family behavior
    • Expectations about responsibilities and duties inside
and outside the House
    • Beliefs - not only about the spiritual side of life, but
also about people
    • Agreements and time commitments

    Household Credo and Related Protocols
    I'll start this section by pointing out that when it comes to establishing your Leather Household, you - as Master - are going to
have to grapple with how you intend to translate your own vision
of yourself into actions and protocols that express who you are
to the outside world. That is, you are going to need to translate
your core values to visible actions through protocols.
    Sit back for a moment. Contemplate: If you were King, how
would you order your private life?
    • How would your staff address you?
    • How would your staff take care of you?
    • When guests come for dinner, how would you want
them to be greeted?
    • How would you want guests to be served?
    • When you go out in public, who opens doors for you?
    • How do you work this out in a multi-slave household?
    • When standing around at the mall in a store, how is
your slave to be standing?
    • Is your slave free to speak to you, or does he/she need
to ask permission to speak?
    The answers to these, and many more related questions, form
the basis of your own protocol manual. In my personal opinion, House Protocols constantly reinforce the uniqueness of the
structured M/s Lifestyle. I feel that this area of the M/s dynamic
is so important that it became the subject the companion

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