Master/slave Relations: Handbook of Theory and Practice
book to
this one: Protocol Theory slave: and Leather the for Handbook
Practice. To give you a feeling for this topic, I've included a few
of my own House Protocols. Bear in mind, every M/s relationship
is different; every Master values things slightly differently - you
have to work out your own Protocols.
    • I am to be addressed as "Master" whenever possible,
and as, "Sir" when "Master" would be inappropriate.
    • When going out in public - even to the mall - we will always slightly overdress. The slave is to assume the
most formal walking and standing protocols possible,
without drawing attention to herself (translation: the
slave at rest may stand with hands clasped behind her
back and resting on her buttocks, rather than locked in
the small of her back).

    • My slave walks slightly behind my right shoulder and
opens all doors for me. In restaurants, I walk to Table
ahead of the slave. The slave may not speak to or
respond to the wait staff, even if a waiter addresses
her and asks her preference in drink or food.
    • For meals at home, the slave serves me at Table, then
plates her own food and brings it to Table. The slave
does not eat until certain ceremonies have been completed.
    • The slave will answer the telephone using a prescribed, formal protocol.
    House credos can be vastly different. Just think how their internal House Protocols would flow from these statements.
    • Sir Stephen, International Master 2005, heads a
Victorian Household. His protocols, with slave catherine, have been largely recreated out of literature of
the Victorian era. Their Household Credo states, in
part: "We believe that the Household of Sir Stephen
has a responsibility to itself and its members to fulfill
those needs for which we have come together. To find
the fulfillment we seek in giving and receiving superior
service. Further, and as important, we have a responsibility to the larger Master/slave community to act in
harmony with other Households and to strive, always,
to promote greater harmony within that community."
(Taken from their website:

    • Master Alex Keppeler, head of Household Keppeler,
writes of his spiritually-based Household: "We believe
that our life in leather is a journey of self-knowledge
and self-discovery in which one hopes to discover how
he relates to The Other, to himself, to others in the
Household and to the outside world. We are not isolated in our vision, but seek to draw on historical sources
of the leather tradition and the communal aspects of
the Rule of St. Benedict, and on the resources of others who are treading a similar path." (Taken from his
    Again, an M/s relationship is special. It is structured. Some
actions are prescribed (required); other actions are proscribed
    Expectations Governing Family Behavior
    The "feel" of your House is set by your key values. Your values
are made real through your choice of protocols. Your protocols
are an expression of your expectations.
    As Master, you are expected clearly to specify your expectations
about your slave's behavior, both in public and in private. There
are many ways of approaching this - here are a few ideas that I
use in my Family:
    • I expect my slave to live and to serve me in the spirit
of sprezzatura - the Italian word meaning effortless
technique. The slave will view this concept as the
byword, the key concept, underlying all actions. In my
Household, everything is to look effortless; meals are
to come together on time and perfectly.
    • I expect my slave to support our intention that every
day is magical and special. In this light, my slave is
to maintain the house to the point that it is always tidy,
and that flowers are fresh and nicely arranged.

    • I expect my slave to be committed to the road less
traveled - to support our quest to gain unusual skills
and experiences.
    • I expect those associated with this

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