The Wicked Kiss

Free The Wicked Kiss by Trina M Lee

Book: The Wicked Kiss by Trina M Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trina M Lee
two categories: those who could be toys and those who were just food. I couldn’t help but wonder which one I’d be.
    “He was. And, still is.” Arys stood up, pulling me with him. “Harley owns The Wicked Kiss, Alexa. That’s why I don’t want you there. He owns a string of them across the entire country.”
    I tripped over the question on the tip of my tongue. “He owns it? Thanks for thinking to share that information sooner. Are you trying to get me killed?”
    “You’re going to get yourself killed. And, I’m sharing it with you now.” He reached out for my hand, and I surrendered it but didn’t budge from where I stood.

    He gave my arm a gentle tug, pulling me toward the darkened hallway and the bedroom beyond. “Come, lie with me.”
    “Arys, I can’t.” I resisted, though I wanted desperately to cling to him. “I have to go home and get some sleep.”
    He never let go of me, forcing me to walk along beside him. “You can sleep here. I won’t bite.” He raised a dark eyebrow then and grinned. “Unless you ask me nicely. And unfortunately, there’s more.”
    “I’m not doing anything to reward your bad behavior. And, what do you mean, there’s more?”
    He visibly shuddered. The tangy scent of fear came off him in small traces, but it was still there. On most other people, the scent would have been enticing. On my dark vampire, it was all wrong.
    “He’s here because he knows about us. Being my sire, he likely sensed the changes in me despite our lack of communication. He’s curious to see if I’ve blood bonded you.”
    He pulled me in close so that my nostrils filled with the wonderful scent of him and placed a kiss on my forehead. “Come to bed. I just want to hold you until I fall asleep.”
    It was such an unexpected request that I couldn’t deny it. I followed him in to the bedroom, which was even darker than the living room. It was always impeccably clean and smelled like scented candles. I knew how soft the thick black comforter was, and I began to anticipate getting under it.
    Arys wasted no time dropping his robe over the desk chair in the corner. He looked like a marble statue of some great angel. I let my gaze linger over him as if he were a fine piece of artwork. When he caught me staring, he actually looked embarrassed. That’s no easy feat for that vampire.
    “For a girl who isn’t looking for any action, you’ve sure got the hunger in your eyes.”
    My cheeks warmed as I began to take my clothes off. “Just admiring the view.” I left my lacy black bra and panties on and climbed on the bed.
    We sat awkwardly in the bed side by side. It occurred to me that we had never been in this room together without being in the throes of passion. When we were together, it was usually a combination of metaphysically driven intimacy and the predatory urges and gratifications we desired by nature.
    It wasn’t that we had no deeper emotion for each other but rather that we had never acknowledged it. The sweet romantic side of me only came out with Shaz. Likewise, the worst of my predatory nature was reserved for my time with Arys.
    He moved quickly to pull me into an embrace that was as tender as it was surprising.
    “This is new for us.”
    “It is.” I got settled against him so that my head was on his chest, one leg thrown over his as I snuggled into the feather soft blankets. “It’s … different.”
    Arys rested his head against mine, one hand idly stroking my hair. “I like it.”
    This softer side of him was certainly unusual. Rather than create an awkward moment by making mention of it, I chose to go with the flow. Maybe I was being too analytical, imagining this newfound sensitivity.
    My mind was filled with nagging questions that wouldn’t go away. Now was as perfect a time as any. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I blurted out, “So tell me about the blood bond. Isn’t that a vampire thing? Can it be done on mortals?”

    Arys tensed beside me; his hand gripped

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