Fifty Shades of Ecstasy

Free Fifty Shades of Ecstasy by Marisa Benett

Book: Fifty Shades of Ecstasy by Marisa Benett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Benett
necessary. You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy us being together.”
    She looked into his angry face and saw the desperation in his eyes. “What do you want from me, Rick?”
    He brushed a thumb over her lips. “I want you to stay. I want you to be with me. I want this.“ He leaned down and covered her mouth with his. His tongue licked across the seam and she opened willingly. He thrust into the soft moistness, tasting, nipping, devouring. “I want you. I want us .”
    His hands covered her ass, pulling up so she nestled closer. She felt the ridge of his erection against her core and trembled. She wanted this too. With arms flung around his neck, she pressed against him, and gave herself freely.
    His hands slid under her shirt to stroke her back. With a quick twist, he released her bra and moved a hand between their bodies to cup the soft flesh. His thumb circled the tight nipple teasingly then as she arched into his caress, flicked the nub. She sighed in pleasure.
    As soon as Cassie found herself backed against the door, Rick moved down her body to cover a breast with his mouth. He suckled the flesh, licking and gently biting the puckered bud until she writhed with need. Her hand dug into his hair as he switched to the other breast, his hands busy at her jeans.
    She felt cool air on her heated flesh. Then Rick was on his knees, his hands parting her thighs for his hungry mouth. He didn’t give her time to protest, just swooped in and devoured.
    She cried out as his tongue sought her sopping entrance, whimpered as his stiffened tongue plunged into her, writhed under his hands as clever fingers rubbed her swollen clit. She forgot where she was, forgot what he’d done. She was only a being of glorious sensation and need. And right now she needed him deep inside her. “Rick, please.”
    More than happy to oblige, Rick stood, unsnapped his jeans, and let his throbbing cock free. His own need, scary and exhilarating, pushed him to the edge. But he snatched a condom out of his pocket and had himself sheathed in seconds.
    He clutched at her leg to draw it up. She clung to his shoulders for support, and with a small hop, twined them around his waist. He pushed his cock against her humid channel and with one hard stroke, plunged in deep. He pulled back and plunged in again and again until he was buried to the hilt.
    “God, Cassie,” he groaned into her hair as muscles bunched. He pulled back, stared into her eyes as he bore down again.
    Her breasts were flat against his chest and each jarring thrust caused the sensitive globes to rub against his hard flesh. He rotated his hips, swirling his cock inside her, inflaming her glistening folds. The rhythm became frantic, flesh slapping against flesh as her juices ran down her legs, coating his cock in luscious cream.
    Cassie could feel the orgasm building, bit Rick’s shoulder to muffle her scream as she erupted, plunged into a mindless vortex of shimmering light. She felt Rick stiffen, clutch her hard as he followed her over the edge.
    “Stay with me,” Rick whispered in her ear when he got his breath back. “Both at the bar and in my bed.”
    Limp with pleasure, she only half heartedly protested. “It won’t be easy.”
    He kissed her hard, leaned back, eyes loving her face and whispered solemnly, “The most important things in life never are.”
    Jennifer Dellerman is the author of lots of stories in a variety of genres, including erotic and suspenseful romance and thrillers. If you enjoyed this exciting romp, you’ll love Dellerman’s other novels, available at or wherever ebooks are sold!
    Shifting Positions 
    Shifter’s Surrender 
    What This Wolf Wants 
    Seduced by a Shifter


    Hot and Hilarious Resources for Your Sexucation
    Wicked Quickies: 52 Ways to Get it On Anytime, Anywhere
    By Audacia Ray
    Illustrations by Lana Le
    This fun guide to spontaneous sex features anecdotes, tips, and

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