Personal Assets (Texas Nights)

Free Personal Assets (Texas Nights) by Kelsey Browning

Book: Personal Assets (Texas Nights) by Kelsey Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelsey Browning
with an unadorned brown leather belt. Things became even more interesting below his silver belt buckle. He dressed to the left and as she stared, his pants drew tighter.
    Oh, my.
    “That’s what you’re gonna get if you don’t stop staring at my crotch.” Was that irritation or amusement in his voice?
    “How did you know? Can you see through that blindfold?”
    “No, but I could feel your eyes moving over me like stroking fingers.”
    Allie’s imagination shot into hyperdrive.
    She pictured running her palms down Cameron’s shirt over hard chest muscles and taut abs. Gliding her hand over his belt buckle, rubbing across the starched cotton of his fly, skimming over an impressive erection to cup his balls. Teasing her fingernails along that sensitive flesh.
    He stood hipshot with his arms folded across the chest she’d visually explored. “If you think you can talk me into driving by giving me a hard-on, you’re using the wrong tactic. BB’s in a very vulnerable state right now, and you haven’t exactly impressed me with your driving skills.”
    Would he forgive her if she impressed him with her other skills?
    “That kind of thing doesn’t usually happen to me. That’s why they call it an accident. If you’re that worried, I can take off the blindfold and we can forget this whole thing.”
    Allie held her breath. Don’t call my bluff.
    He dropped his arms and sighed. “How long will I have to suffer you driving BB?”
    She did a little victory shuffle that would’ve made the LMFAO guys proud. “Twenty minutes max. You can be in the driver’s seat on the way back.” But not until then. She grabbed her purse from the table, threaded her fingers through his and dragged him toward the door.
    Allie led Cameron to BB’s passenger door. The car’s rich red paint was flaking, and her rear end was still smushed like a pug’s face.
    He said, “If you so much as ding this car again, I will personally take it out of your sweet little ass.”
    Her body part in question tingled at the thought.
    Allie tugged open a door weighing as much as a calf and nudged Cameron into the front seat. She slammed the door before he changed his mind and climbed out. She was way too invested now. She hotfooted it around the hood in her needle-heeled—pink slides and opened her door.
    “I thought you were going to apologize,” Cameron said.
    “I already told you I was sorry.”
    “Not to me, to her.”
    Seriously? But Allie returned to the front of the car and said, “BB, I’m terribly sorry I hit you, but Cameron’s going to make you all better. Okay?”
    Lord, like she expected the car to answer her. Regardless, she leaned down and pressed her lips to the hood.
    “Did you kiss her and make it better?” Finally, Cameron was smiling.
    “Mmm.” Allie slid behind the wheel, the leather smooth against her thighs. Oh, she and Cameron were going to feel fantastic together, naked and entwined on that luscious upholstery. Her back caressed by the body-warmed fabric and her front scorched by Cameron’s hotter-than-July skin. She was going to kiss him and make it all better.
    He must have caught the essence of her thoughts as she stretched over his lap to secure his seat belt, because he said in a low voice, “I plan to star in whatever hot little fantasy you just had running through your busy little brain.”
    She didn’t bother to ask how he’d known.
    * * *
    Emmalee Wright watched Charlie Pfeiffer, her dinner companion, scoop up carnitas flanked with spicy borracho beans and Mexican rice. He grumbled, “Still don’t know why we couldn’t go to Los Cerditos. They make the best tamales outside of San Antonio.”
    She wrapped grilled chicken into a handmade tortilla, added a dab of sour cream and two dollops of guacamole. Avocado was a vegetable, after all. “Rosa is an amazing cook. Besides, a change of scenery is nice once in a while.”
    “Uh-huh. That the reason you wanted to drive fifteen miles away from Shelbyville

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