Honeymoon for One
with a little time to step back and examine her feelings, Michelle will see that she and I were going with what was expected, not what we really wanted—”
    “No. I won’t let you blame yourself. Maybe rushing off to Vegas was a knee-jerk attempt to avoid my father’s wrath, but I still think in time Michelle will accept what you and I had already discovered, if she hasn't already.”
    Blinking back the tears pooling in her eyes, Beth silently cursed the hormonal rush of emotions and smiled at her husband. Her husband. A dream come true. She loved him so much. Only in her dreams she was the happiest bride in the world, and Michelle was still her best friend. No, this was definitely not a dream. Except for being married to Steven, everything was all wrong.
    “Why not?” Corrie’s whining tone grated on Michelle’s nerves like a screeching catfight at dawn.
    “Corrie, now is not a good time. Our efficiency expert just fired Evelyn and Joyce from human resources. No one expected him to start swinging the ax so soon. We’re all running a little crazy trying to make sure we’re not next. Let’s discuss this when I get home.”
    “Aren’t you listening? The game is tonight . I have to have the permission slip turned in by the end of the school day, or I have to ride the bus. That’s why I skipped lunch to come here and get you to sign it now.”
    Michelle tried really hard to ignore what had become her sister’s standard sigh-and-roll gesture. The heavy breath blew out at the same time the eyes rolled 180 degrees. She hated it. “I just don’t know.”
    “It’s a football game. Not an orgy,” Corrie blurted out loud enough for half the floor to hear, including Lloyd McEntire who at this very moment was making his way across the bull pen to Michelle’s desk.
    “Great,” Michelle mumbled. “Just great. Here comes the new boss.”
    “Is there a problem?” he asked.
    “No, none at all.” She grabbed her sister by the arm and turned her on her heel. “You’d better get back to school.”
    “Then I can ride to the game with Brittany and Billy instead of on the bus with all the losers?”
    Michelle resisted the urge to do exactly the same thing she hated in her sister, sigh and roll. “No. It won’t kill you to ride the bus.”
    “Corrie. You’ll be late for class. Go.”
    Corrie pressed her lips into a fine line, and Michelle knew it was only because her boss stood inches away that her sister stomped off without saying a word. Though the slamming of her boots with every step shouted her displeasure loud and clear.
    Her boss’ gaze shifted from Corrie’s departing back to Michelle. “Bit of a temper?”
    “A bit. I’m sorry about the outburst.”
    She could sense the question on the tip of his tongue. “Corrie’s my sister.”
    “Hm.” He nodded, a short, curt gesture she’d become used to over the past several days. “Now that I have a complete picture of the operation, it’s time to implement changes. I’ve cut some of the nonessential support staff in HR.”
    Michelle nodded. What more could she do? Joyce’s husband was a lawyer. He made good money so Michelle wasn’t too worried for her. But poor Evelyn was a single mom with two kids. Michelle had only one almost-grown sister to worry about and the thought of losing her job in this miserable economy scared her to death. If only newspapers weren’t closing their doors across the country faster than the time it took Google dinosaur, her stomach might not feel all twisted up like a carnival pretzel.
    Lloyd McEntire handed her a sheet of paper. “I’m scheduling a meeting with department heads for nine tomorrow morning. I’d like you there.”
    “No problem.” She nodded, unable to force a smile. He’d handed her a meeting agenda. Art department, building services, clerical support, editorial. At least her department wasn’t on the list. Surely that was a good sign. Wasn’t

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