Waiting for Godot

Free Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Book: Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samuel Beckett
Our elongations.
Our relaxations.
To warm us up.
To calm us down.
Off we go.
Vladimir hops from one foot to the other. Estragon imitates him.
(stopping). That's enough. I'm tired.
(stopping). We're not in shape. What about a little deep breathing?
I'm tired breathing.
You're right. (Pause.) Let's just do the tree, for the balance.
The tree?
Vladimir does the tree, staggering about on one leg.
(stopping). Your turn.
Estragon does the tree, staggers.
Do you think God sees me?
You must close your eyes.
Estragon closes his eyes, staggers worse.
(stopping, brandishing his fists, at the top of his voice.) God have pity on me!
(vexed). And me?
On me! On me! Pity! On me!
Enter Pozzo and Lucky. Pozzo is blind. Lucky burdened as before. Rope as
before, but much shorter, so that Pozzo may follow more easily. Lucky
wearing a different hat. At the sight of Vladimir and Estragon he stops short.
Pozzo, continuing on his way, bumps into him.
(clutching onto Lucky who staggers). What is it? Who is it?
Lucky falls, drops everything and brings down Pozzo with him. They lie
helpless among the scattered baggage.
Is it Godot?
At last! (He goes towards the heap.) Reinforcements at last!
Is it Godot?
We were beginning to weaken. Now we're sure to see the evening out.
Do you hear him?
We are no longer alone, waiting for the night, waiting for Godot, waiting for .
. . waiting. All evening we have struggled, unassisted. Now it's over. It's
already tomorrow.
Time flows again already. The sun will set, the moon rise, and we away . . .
from here.
Poor Pozzo!
I knew it was him.
But it's not Godot.
It's not Godot?
It's not Godot.
Then who is it?
It's Pozzo.
Here! Here! Help me up!
He can't get up.
Let's go.
We can't.
Why not?
We're waiting for Godot.
Perhaps he has another bone for you.
Chicken. Do you not remember?
It was him?
Ask him.
Perhaps we should help him first.
To do what?
To get up.
He can't get up?
He wants to get up.
Then let him get up.
He can't.
Why not?
I don't know.
Pozzo writhes, groans, beats the ground with his fists.
We should ask him for the bone first. Then if he refuses we'll leave him there.
You mean we have him at our mercy?
And that we should subordinate our good offices to certain conditions?
That seems intelligent all right. But there's one thing I'm afraid of.
That Lucky might get going all of a sudden. Then we'd be ballocksed.
The one that went for you yesterday.
I tell you there was ten of them.
No, before that, the one that kicked you.
Is he there?
As large as life. (Gesture towards Lucky.) For the moment he is inert. But he
might run amuck any minute.
And suppose we gave him a good beating the two of us?
You mean if we

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