seriousness of what we're
about ... ?
(To the General) Excuse me, but who did you vote
for again?
COACH (to Political Coach) : And
POLITICAL COACH: Hanoi, without Haiphong.
SPIRITUAL COACH (to Legal Coach) : And you
have the five-in-one-and what were the others?
LEGAL COACH: Berrigans, Panthers and Flood.
SPIRITUAL COACH (throwing his hands up) : Oh,
this is just impossible! Each one sounds better than
the one before! Oh-the heck with it! Eeny, meeny,
miney, moe ... Okay! Jane Fonda and Curt Flood!
TRICKY: (Records the Reverend's vote) Now that all
the ballots have been cast, gentlemen, I am going
once again to pass this sheet of paper among you
so that you may be certain that your votes have
been correctly tabulated. Even the President of the
United States, you know, is capable of making a
clerical error, and if he has, he certainly hopes that
he can be a big enough man to admit it. (He passes
the paper among them)
LEGAL COACH: Jimi Hendrix, Mr. President
the first name is spelled J-i-m-i, not J-i-m-m-y, as
you've written it here.
TRICKY: Well, let's correct it then, because that is just
the sort of error, inadvertently made, that tends to
be totally misconstrued by the press.
Now I never claimed to know how to spell the
names of every colored person in this country, but
I will tell you this much: where someone's name is
concerned, colored or not, he has a constitutional
right to have it spelled correctly on any indictment
that is handed down on him, no matter how absurd
or outrageous the charges themselves. And so long
as I am President, I am going to make every effort
to see that this is done. Now, J-i-m what?
TRICKY: J-i-m-i. There. And I'll initial the change,
just to make clear exactly who is responsible for
both the error and the correction. There!
Now I only wish that the wonderful colored
people of this country could have seen the scrupulosity
with which I attended to a matter
seemingly so picayune as this one. Oh sure, the
media would still find something to carp about, you
can bank on that. But I am certain, if I know the
great majority of good, hard-working colored
people in this country, that the time I just took
from my pressing duties as President of the United
States and Leader of the Free World to correct a
single letter in one of their names would not have
gone unnoticed and unappreciated. Call me a
dreamer; call me a believer in humanity; call me, as
the song has it, a'cockeyed optimist; and be sure to
call me a big man too,
for admitting to my error; but I am sure that they
would understand just how difficult a problem this
is for us to solve, given the kinds of ways they
spell those names of theirs, and I think they would
have that wonderful wisdom, such as comes to
people who work in menial occupations, to realize
that a job of these proportions is not going to be
completed overnight, and that consequently we are
not about to be bullied into spelling their names
correctly by marches or demonstrations or mule
trains parked on the White House lawn. We will
spell them right but in our own sweet time, and
according to our own secret timetable, on earth as
it is in Heaven.
TRICKY And, my friends, on that sanctimonious
note, I am going to call this conference to a close.
At ten A.M., we shall meet to settle upon the exact
nature of the crime. In the meantime, I will remain
here in the locker room, in uniform .. .
SPIRITUAL COACH: Mr. President, it is nearly
dawn. You must get some rest. You must take
your helmet off and go to bed.
TRICKY: I couldn't sleep now, Reverend, if I tried.
Not with a smear campaign of this magnitude
before me.
SPIRITUAL COACH: But a man has only so much
to give ...
TRICKY: When it comes to something like this,,