Mama Rides Shotgun

Free Mama Rides Shotgun by Deborah Sharp

Book: Mama Rides Shotgun by Deborah Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Sharp
Tags: murder mystery
cup?’’ Mama asked.
    I nodded from beneath the blanket, willing the car’s heater to hurry up and blow warm.
    Before long, I was sipping chocolate and feeling almost toasty. The gauges and dials on the dashboard glowed, burnishing the golden interior of Sal’s car. I felt as snug as a honeybee inside its hive.
    “Feeling better, darlin’?’’
    “Mmm-hmm.’’ I savored the hot chocolate. “Thanks, Mama.’’
    “Then maybe you’d like to tell me,’’ she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “What in the world is going on between you and Trey Bramble?’’
    I groaned.
    “Sally told me he left the two of you alone in the woods.’’
    “There’s nothing going on, Mama. We talked, that’s all.’’
    “Sally said it looked like talking was the last thing on your minds.’’
    “Mama, I’m tired. Can we dissect my dating life tomorrow?’’ Or never, I thought.
    “So, you’re dating now? I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Mace. The man is obviously a drinker.’’ Mama should know. We both remembered Husband No. 2.
    “We’re not dating. It’s just an expression. Besides, Trey is engaged.’’
    “Engaged?’’ Mama screeched. “Honey, if he’s engaged and coming on to you, then he’s not worth a milk bucket under a bull.’’
    Sal sat up in the backseat. I swear I felt the big car sway.
    “The way that guy looked at you?’’ His voice was thick from sleep. “Fuhgeddaboutit. That’s not the way a guy getting married should be looking at another girl.’’
    “Could we change the subject, please? How ’bout this weather change?’’ I said. “Brrr! Did you know it was supposed to get this cold?’’
    “All I know is when you gotta girl you really love, you’re not looking for something on the side.’’ Sal rested his crossed arms, like hairy hams, over the back of the seat and gazed at Mama.
    I motioned to her to fluff the smashed side of her hair. But she didn’t see me, since she was busy returning cow eyes at Sal.
    “I thought Mace might find that kind of relationship with Carlos Martinez, but that love affair didn’t take either,’’ Mama said to Sal, her tone confiding.
    “Hello? I’m right here. Stop talking about me like I’m not.’’
    “Yeah, what happened between the two of youse, Mace? Martinez is a good man.’’
    “How about some Sinatra?’’ I said. “Wouldn’t a little music sound good right now?’’
    “I’ll tell you what happened, Sally,’’ Mama said, as if I hadn’t spoken. “Carlos wanted to coddle her, and Mace felt smothered. You can’t blame the man for trying to keep her safe, not after what happened to his poor wife. But Mace likes to be the one who takes care of people. And she takes pride in being independent and strong. Well, except for cold weather.’’ She patted my cheek. “You’re a bit of a baby when the temperature drops below fifty, honey.’’
    “Listen, Dr. Phil, as much as I want to stick around for the psychotherapy, I’m going back to my tent. Thanks for the chocolate and the extra blanket.’’ I slid toward the car door.
    “Hang on there, Mace. I gotta reason for asking about Martinez,’’ Sal said. “He’s coming back to Himmarshee.’’
    My heart felt like it wanted to sprout wings and fly out of my mouth. I swallowed, but it seemed to have lodged in my throat. I guess I wasn’t over Carlos after all.
    “Is that so?’’ I finally said, forcing my voice to be steady. “Good for him. I guess that means he dealt with the stuff he had to deal with down in Miami.’’
    “Guess so,’’ Sal said. “And you won’t believe this: he’s signed up to join the Cracker Trail for a couple of days. Says it’s the perfect way to ease back into the pace up here before he starts work again.’’
    Mama said, “Now, I like Carlos a lot—especially after he stopped trying to send me to the Big House. But the man doesn’t seem like he’d know a fetlock from a forelock. I cannot picture him

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