Passion's Series

Free Passion's Series by Mary Adair

Book: Passion's Series by Mary Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Adair
He looked up at the sound of someone nearing his lodge.
    "It is Silent Deer. May I enter?"
    "Yes, come in." James reached for his loincloth.
    Silent Deer's grin looked out of place on such a fierce, ragged face. He and Deer had reached a new level of understanding since the game. They respected each other. In this culture that was about as close as you could get to friendship.
    "You sleep much too long, my friend. It is late," Deer scolded.
    "Well I'm up now, let's go." James slapped Silent Deer on the shoulder and followed him through the doorway.
    "You have been to New Moon's cove. Would you like to go again?
    "New Moon's cove, is it. No wonder it made her so mad when I showed up. I'm afraid she would scalp us both if we went there today."
    "No, she is not there. Today she is with the women where she belongs."
    James didn't miss the hint of sarcasm in Deer's voice. As they sprinted through the gate Silent Deer broke the silence that had settled over them. "You want New Moon."
    James rather liked the Indian's straightforwardness. "New Moon is a beautiful woman."
    As they reached the boulder that lead to the cove Deer reached out a hand and placed it on the smooth surface. "She is barren," he tossed over his shoulder and then slipped between the boulders.
    The cove was beautiful. It had quickly become one of James' favorite places but he hardly noticed it now. "Why do you tell me this?"
    The two stripped down and waded into the water. This time James led the way. He had the distinct feeling that such a thing as who stepped out first would hold more influence over Deer than most.
    "New Moon has great pride." Deer said from behind. "Like that of the warrior. She says she will not join again because her spirit is too strong for any man to give her a child."
    "I am not looking for a wife, Deer."
    Deer took his place beside...yet slightly ahead of James. James controlled an urge to inch forward. He was, after all, the invited guest.
    "If I understand your custom," James continued, "it would be no dishonor to New Moon if she came to me."
    "It would be no dishonor, she is a widow and may chose a man if she desires." Deer shrugged his massive shoulders. "But she will not come. You do not understand, my friend.
    "New Moon is a woman of my tribe. We are the same clan, the wolf clan. If you dishonor her by taking what she does not offer, I will kill you. If I fail, there will be others. It does not matter that we are friends."
    Deer glanced over at James. "You should find a woman who likes you more, then maybe you would not wear your need for New Moon like a warrior's spear."
    An auburn brow arched. He was not one of them. It was going to take more than a game of stickball. "I didn't know I was being so obvious."
    Deer cut in gruffly, "Enough talk. Grandmother sun is about to show herself."
    James and Silent Deer performed the ceremony with proper respect, but James' mind was elsewhere. Maybe Silent Deer was right. He had been parading around camp like a buck with the sent of a doe up his nostrils.
    One good tumble with a willing squaw and he'd be able to get his mind back on his business. Why go crazy for a woman with too much pride for her own good? All he needed was a little feminine companionship for a night or two.
    The two waded to shore. "I'd like to thank you for your advice, friend. You..."
    The rest of what James would have said was cut off by the sound of alarm coming from the village. He and Deer grabbed up their loincloths and dressed themselves on the run as they dashed toward the village.
    Christoph DuPrey stood partially concealed behind a large oak. The early morning air was cold, but that was not what made his body tremble. He took in several deep breaths and watched with interest as Chief Dancing Cloud told New Moon about the attack on their group.
    The battle had been exhilarating! However, it had not gone as planned. Seven of his men had been killed. He had not expected that many to fall in the attack, but one

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