Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3)

Free Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) by Andria Large, M.D. Saperstein

Book: Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) by Andria Large, M.D. Saperstein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large, M.D. Saperstein
I can do it.
    Chance’s hands move from my shoulders and slide down my arms then back up, repeating the movement then changing direction when he reaches my shoulders again. His hands smooth down over my chest from behind. He then presses his lips on me, right where my neck and shoulder meet. I jerk, tearing myself away to land on my ass on the floor between the couch and the ottoman.
    Chance sighs and hangs his head. "This is never going to work."
    "Fucking warn me, man!" I growl, placing a hand over the spot that Chance had kissed. It’s tingling.
    Chance’s lip curls up in disgust. "Okay then, be prepared because I'm gonna kiss you," he says mockingly, "Fucking idiot, why do you think I'm here?"
    I get up off the floor and sit back on the couch. I lean forward, put my elbows on my knees, and shove my hands into my hair. Chance is muttering angrily to himself when out of nowhere, he attacks me. He shoves me down onto the couch and covers me with his body. I’m so stunned that I do nothing. I stare up into his blazing brown eyes in shock. Before I can do anything, though, he pins my hands over my head with one of his hands and grabs my face with the other.
    The next thing I know, Chance’s mouth is on mine. A hard, punishing kiss to the lips. My first instinct is to turn my head to get away, but his hand holding my jaw won’t budge. He tilts his head, switching the angle and making the kiss softer. His tongue flicks out to run across my bottom lip. I whimper, keeping my lips firmly shut. God, this is not something I want.
    "Kiss me back, asshole," Chance growls against my lips, his tongue running along the seam of my lips, trying to get in.
    He grunts in annoyance and roughly turns my head to the side. He then bends down and starts licking and sucking at my neck. My neck is one of my more sensitive areas, and it is the easiest way to get me turned on. No way Chance could have known this when he went for my neck. I try my fucking hardest not to let it affect me, but my body betrays me. Chance nips at the most sensitive spot just under my ear and I gasp in pleasure.
    I feel the smile creep across Chance’s mouth since it is still pressed against my skin. I then feel his hot breath against my ear. "Have I just found the on button?" he whispers, sending shivers down my spine.
    I squirm under him, desperately wanting to get away. "Chance," I breathe pleadingly. I don't want to do this. Not anymore. I’m ready to drop the movie. Fuck it. I can’t do this. A guy is turning me on and it’s freaking me the fuck out!
    Chance is strong and he holds me down despite my efforts to get away. His tongue flicks over the sensitive skin just under my ear and I feel the desire and lust coiling in my gut. The next thing he does is lightly suck on the spot, which makes me groan low in my throat.
    He continues to kiss his way up my jaw as he slowly turns my head back, his kisses returning to my mouth. I close my eyes as my breathing becomes a bit more rapid than normal, and my cock begins to throb angrily in my jeans. Chance’s lips are soft against mine, his beard scratching my chin, making it extremely difficult to pretend he is a woman.
    "Kiss me back," Chance murmurs against my lips, his hand moving away from my jaw and up into my hair.
    I hesitantly part my lips, which he takes full advantage of. He dives his tongue into my mouth and sweeps it across my tongue. The grip on my hair tightens and I can feel Chance’s heart pounding against my own chest. I also feel his hard on pressing against my lower abs; apparently, he is enjoying this. My stomach flutters, kind of turning me on more knowing that he is turned on, too.
    I honestly start to try to kiss him back. Our tongues swirl around each other’s and fight for dominance. Chance moans into my mouth as the kiss becomes seriously heated. He lets go of my hands so that he can run his hand down my side and grip my hip. I bring my hands down to rest lightly on his sides.
    He pulls back

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