Forbidden Embrace

Free Forbidden Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell

Book: Forbidden Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Blackwell
Something is amiss here and we need to figure it out, before it’s too late.
    Nathanial starts to explain a story to us. “Here is a little history lesson for you. The Agawam tribe owned the land that is now Wenham many years ago, and they swore to always protect it from evil. It’s said that some of the tribesmen would shape shift into wolves, cougars, hawks and such to scout the land and ensure its safety. It is believed that these men become shape shifters after they have gone on a spirit walk and had an animal walk with them. It is like a calling from their ancestors. There are light rumors that they still patrol the area today.”
    “ That makes a lot of sense as to why I had feelings from them, because they’re people,” Alexander speculates.
    “ I don’t really know if this is true, or just a myth…I just don’t know what to believe or not to believe anymore. In the past few months I’ve come to learn that there is truth behind myths,” Nathanial admits.
    “ I think it is worth looking into,” Matt encourages.
    We agree that Matt and Nathanial will go out to the local reserve and check into things. We don’t want them to think we are a threat, and we don’t want to accidentally kill one of them. They could be nice to have around when the Cerberus arrive; wolves and cougars have very sharp teeth good to rip apart the limbs of our enemies. Any other animal will also be of use as they all have something that could assist us in our fight.
    I’ll tell Elijah everything we learn later this evening when I speak to him. Alexander and I begin to help Nathanial, Matt, and Ebony study for the exams. I’m pretty sure that we all will do just fine. Florence brings in some refreshment for our friends and we soon call it a night. Tomorrow will be a busy day. I’m very nervous about the boys going to find the Agawam ancestors; I hope they’ll be safe from harm. I think maybe one of us should follow them without their knowledge, just to be safe. Alexander is tapped into my thoughts again, and agrees. We’ll discuss it with our family shortly. Then I can do some research on the tribe.
    The following day at school we discuss what Matt and Nathanial will say to the Agawam tribe if they find them. We all agree that it will be alright for the boys to admit to our secret. If anything we want to confirm the presence of shape shifters . Of course we don’t want to harm them, or the wolves–it’s important to keep the life cycle going–but it’s too bad the actual wolves are near extinction in the area…they can make for a decent meal. Later in the day Matt and Nathanial will head out to the reserve. It’s only a 35 minute drive to Andover where the tribe settled after the sale of Wenham. We’re not completely sure if any tribe members are Agawam descendants, since European disease wiped out most of the tribe in 1617. From what I’m learning in my research the numbers were decreased to 3000 from over 3,000, and the remaining members disbanded and joined various surrounding tribes. I continue to research them throughout the day, passing information to the boys.
    The two young men are fully prepared to meet the tribe. They decide to call ahead and ask for a tour of the reservation, stating it is research for a school paper; this will be their way in. They have the research on the Agawam Indians that I’ve done, and are prepared with many questions. If any ancestors still survive and are at this reservation, our boys will find out. Elijah and Alexander remain nearby, and mentally connected, while the boys are on their quest. It seems like they’ve been gone for hours, but in reality it has only been 90 minutes and it is over an hour’s drive round trip. It’s time for me to try and relax a little again.
    When the boys finally return, Matt starts explaining how they met a young man about eighteen years of age, named Dakota Williams. “He knew of the myth or legend as the tribe called it, but seemed to be

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