Forbidden Embrace

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Book: Forbidden Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Blackwell
will need to be cautious tonight; it isn’t customary for vampires and other supernatural beings to associate, with the exception of witches , but tonight we will receive them in a warm manner.
    It’s almost six o’clock; Florence makes sure that all the mortals are well fed. She made them veal and pasta for dinner. Nathanial, Matt, and Ebony are all enjoying their dinner. Ebony’s sister will meet us at the clearing at quarter past six tonight and the Williams were told half past. We don’t want to stay out too late. Before we know it, it’s time to leave. Nathanial drives up with Matt and Ebony. The rest of us will head up on foot since it will be faster; we arrive there before all the others, so we start some dodging exercises and warm up. Once the others arrive we prepare Eliza for our new allies that will be joining us soon. Alexander senses the new comers nearing; they seem to be running a perimeter, to ensure this isn’t a trap. Once comfortable they begin to join us in the clearing. We greet them one at a time; two wolves, two cougars, a hawk, and a mountain lion. We introduce ourselves, and suddenly they all disappear into the forest. In shock we begin looking around; we can hear the rustling of the bushes that resembles the sound of crumpling paper as the frozen ground cracks beneath their feet. In an instant, six men walk out of the forest and cautiously approach to greet us.
    “ Sorry for leaving so abruptly; we wanted to be in human form to discuss matters with you. My name is Tamo–I’m the leader of the pack per se–and this is my son Dakota.”
    “ We’re pleased to make your acquaintance. Nate and Matt told us all about you; we are glad you decided to join us,” Elijah offers his hand out to Tamo.
    “ You as well. The others here are Makya, Shilah, Mika, and Skah,” he introduces as each young man steps forward. “We are descendants of the Agawam tribe and sworn to protect the land from enemies. We were told you are expecting some rogue vampires to arrive soon?” Tamo inquires.
    Elijah explains to the group what we know, and how we are preparing. The pack agrees to assist us in every way they can. We continue by showing them some of our sparring moves and they take turns jumping in. They are very good, very strong; the weakened Cerberus will have their work cut out for them. Ebony and Eliza demonstrate some of their spells and potions to the animal pack. They appear to be very impressed.
    It is now nine o’clock. We agree to meet again tomorrow and every night until the Cerberus arrives. Constance and Alexander confirm it won’t be long now. They are both sensing the danger. We extend an invitation for the Williams and their pack to join us at our house. We feel it will be good to get to know one another, before entrusting our safety to them and vice versa.

    Chapter 8
    Nathanial drives me home since it is on his way, and when we arrive at the house, he leans in and gives me a goodnight kiss. He walks around the car to let me out and walks me up to the door. “Sweetie, I am wondering if you mind coming by my house tonight after everyone is settled for the night? I want to hold you close tonight, ‘cause I’m concerned about you and the fight. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get you alone in my room,” he chuckles.
    “ Yeah. I can do that,” I agree to sneak in some time after midnight.
    Entering the house, I see the family is all there discussing something; it looks serious. I notice our new shape shifting friends from the Agawam descendants decided to join us too. When I take a better look I notice Cato, our contact from the Renata. I hope that Cato isn’t aware of Nathanial and me outside a moment ago. I glance at Alexander and he confirms we’re in the clear. With the presence of all the other supernatural beings I am glad Nathanial didn’t come in to say goodnight.
    “ Cato, it’s nice to see you again, I wish it were under better circumstances,” I greet

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