Forbidden Embrace

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell
hiding something more. He introduced us to his father Tamo. Tamo explained to Nathanial and I that the Agawam Indians return to the home land to monitor things, and more so when danger is nearing. Since the native or original Agawams are all deceased, it is now the responsibility of the few descendants left to protect what once was theirs. They told us they would shape shift and protect the land. The father and son seem very open to sharing the history of the Agawam tribe, as if they already knew we were there to help.”
    Matt and Nathanial both appear elated to be doing their part in the war. Nathanial continues with the story, “They showed us ancient artifacts from the time their ancestors spent in the Wenham area. Tamo and Dakota appear to be very proud men, and are very happy that their history is not being forgotten.”
    After some time the boys explain that they felt like it was time to open up a little. Tamo told Matt that he and his son have been experiencing weird happenings recently. Nathanial also explained about his attack at the winter formal, but he proceeded cautiously.
    “ They all agree that something has been changing in the New England area. Because the native community is so spiritual, they sense it too,” Matt mentions. “I told them that I have been feeling a strong presence in Wenham, and don’t feel good about it.”
    “ Tamo began to question me and Matt on our beliefs of the supernatural, and as we spoke we tried to gauge Mr. William’s reaction. We both admitted that we believe in a lot more than most of the townsfolk. We explained that most of the people believe that some women hundreds of years ago believed they were witches and were persecuted, but today’s people don’t actually believe that’s true, or that witches are real. Matt said that the two of us believe anything is possible. The Williams agreed,” Nathanial explains. He continues by telling us, “After Matt and I explained a little of what is happening in Wenham and about the approaching threat, Tamo voiced his concern about vampires and what could happen in the area. We opened up even more and assured Tamo that we have friends of supernatural decent that want to solve this matter quickly and quietly.”
    “ Along with Nathanial’s ability to get people to open up to him and our honesty, Tamo finally felt at peace” Matt adds, “The level of comfort others feel around me and Nate may have helped them to open up.”
    “ Tamo confided in us that his family are the descendants of Agawam Indians and that the legend is true. The past few months more and more of the descendants began to change; he also mentioned that it happens around the age of 16. He explained to us that they sense a great danger approaching and they have seen vampires feeding in the region. Nathanial explained about your family and that you lived peacefully. He told Tamo your family doesn’t want to harm them during your scouting trips,” Matt was explaining to us.
    “ I also explained about The Magnificent Ones, and how the witches and vampires are working together to protect the region from harm and evil; telling them how your families make a very good team and have worked well together for many years. This time will be no different, and we hope the descendants will join us in the fight,” Nathanial adds with enthusiasm. The smile on his face proves he is proud of their accomplishment
    Matt adds, “Tamo asked if we also sensed danger. We explained in detail about the Cerberus fight that is coming. Tamo and Dakota asked what they can do to help. We invited them to join us at fight practice tonight in the clearing. The Williams agreed and said they would bring more as well. I hope that is alright with you?”
    Alexander smiles, “Of course, that’s why we sent you.”
    This is great news; we now will have more help to win the battle against the Cerberus, assuming it’s is not a trap and that the descendants of the Agawam Indians can be trusted. We

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