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Book: CANCER'S CAUSE, CANCER'S CURE by DPM Morton Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: DPM Morton Walker
Tags: General Fiction
their 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology because they provided all humans with an enormous advancement in understanding the basis of life. Dr. Mirko Beljanski deserved, but never won and can never win, a similar Nobel Prize for tracing the cause of environmental cancer at its core, in the DNA of our cells. Hopefully, history will somehow rectify this mistake.
    Case Study: Thyroid Cancer
    I met French homemaker, Josiane Chardonnet (Mme. Chardonnet), at the CIRIS picnic, and we discussed the reasons why she had undergone three operations for the removal of thyroid cancer. Mme. Chardonnet’s carcinoma of the thyroid gland kept returning and excisions were required to be performed in 1972, 1975, and 1994. The last operation she underwent removed a giant tumor nine centimeters (cm) (3 1/2 inches) in length and seven cm (23/4 inches) in diameter. This last operative procedure brought some bad news with it.
    Her cancer surgeon explained that he would perform no more surgeries if Mme. Chardonnet’s thyroid tumor returned again. He declared that the interior throat scarring was too great and healing could never take place; thus, any kind of chronic, open ulcer deep in her throat was destined to become infected and that infection definitely would kill her.
    There are four types of thyroid malignancies, but Mme. Chardonnet does not know which type she was afflicted with because she never had access to any of the pathology reports relating to her lesions. However, it was made clear by her surgeon and her family physician who practiced internal medicine that she did have thyroid cancer and not a benign thyroid nodule. Because of the size of the third thyroid tumor, Mme. Chardonnet understood that her prognosis was not good.
    Josiane Chardonnet affirmed that she needed to carry on an intensive non-toxic, anticancer program in order to prevent a recurrence. Her time was limited. It was then that Mme. Chardonnet heard about Dr. Beljanski’s discoveries from both her longtime family physician and the cancer surgeon, both of whom recommended that she take them. The two doctors had suggested these various herbal extracts both for surgical site repair and for purposes of tumor prevention.
    Mme. Chardonnet began using three of the herbs immediately after learning about them. Her family physician acquired Beljanski’s botanicals for his patient. After speaking with Dr. Beljanski at that time in 1994, the patient’s two physicians advised her about the biochemist’s recommended quantities of each extract.
    Mme. Chardonnet’s treatment procedure with herbs was a new strategy in oncology therapy for both of her physicians. Together they made their recommendations as to Mme. Chardonnet’s cancer treatment based on what they had heard about remarkable recoveries of patients who had been expected to die very quickly. Anecdotes were circulating about people who were then cancer-free after learning there was no hope of recovery. The two physicians knew very well that Dr. Beljanski was a Ph.D. in biochemistry and not a practicing medical doctor. In 1994, there was still a lack of clinical studies for Beljanski’s products, but the surgeon and the internist were willing to risk criticism from their peers in order to help save the life of their patient.
    From taking these three products, Mme. Chardonnet has remained happy and well with no sign of thyroid cancer recurrence. When last I checked on her, it was sixteen years since she had that giant tumor removed. She is flourishing. She performs her housework with vigor and continues to take Beljanski’s supplements at the same dosage her doctors prescribed. Many patients feel reassured by continuing to take these products, believing that they are reducing the risk of cancer recurrence. Since Dr. Beljanski’s products do not have any negative side effects, such practice is safe.

    The Oncotest:
    Beljanski’s Cancer Prediction Method
    A ny good scientist knows that no matter what they

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