Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock)

Free Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock) by S.K. Logsdon

Book: Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock) by S.K. Logsdon Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Logsdon
his other hand and rubs my belly. “Are the babies okay? Do I need to call the doctor?”
    I shake my head. “No, I didn’t hurt them. I protected them. I just hurt myself. My knee is bleeding and I’m in some pain. I need a bath to clean my wounds. Please bring me back to our bedroom.”
    He crouches and shoves his arms under my body and pulls me against him, and he lifts me. So I wrap my arms loosely around his neck.
    “I’m sorry , ” I mutter, cuddling my face into the crook of his warm beautiful neck.
    I missed him.
    “Mama Bear, it’s okay. You didn’t mean to. I’m going to walk back nice and slow, so we don’t joggle your body more.”
    “Where’s Stace?” I whisper, kissing his soft neck. His skin tastes good.
    It seems odd that James came after me but Stacy is nowhere to be found. That’s so unlike him.
    “I might have scolded him rather harshly when he came to find me. I ordered him to stay behind.”
    “Are you going to apologize?”
    He unyieldingly shakes his head. “No, he should have taken better care of you.”
    I nip his neck with my teeth. Since I can’t smack him with damaged hands.
    “Be nice. I was pointing to a damn bird not paying attention to where I was going,” I reprimand.
    “I will not be nice, my pregnant lady. You could have been hurt worse,” he states intensely.
    We arrive back to the cabin once the night is nearly upon us. He takes me inside and Stacy and Kyle are sitting on the couch. I turn my head to see him and they both stand.
    “Emily are you okay?” Stacy asks, he’s bursting with concern.
    I nod. “I’m fine. James is going to take me upstairs and I’m going to get clean. I’ll be back in a while. You two enjoy the cabin. Watch TV, make something to eat. I don’t care,” I softly express. I’m suddenly exhausted. I’m definitely going to bed early tonight.
    “Let me help bathe you,” Stacy offers.
    James cuts me off. “I will clean her. She is my responsibility,” he barks uncouthly and takes me to the stairs and up to our bedroom, with ease.
    “You sit and I’ll undress you,” James instructs, sitting me on the closed toilet.
    “I can do this my bear. I promise.” I tread lightly. He’s amped up and none too happy.
    He turns on the tub water and acclimates the temperature using his finger. Walks into our bedroom and comes back with a tiny first aid kit. I tuck my hands under my dress to pull down my leggings.
    James kneels in front of me and pushes my hands away.
    “I will take care of this Emily. Please let me,” he orders softly. Much better than his harsh disregard for Stacy’s feelings moments ago.
    He takes each of my hands and cleans them with antiseptic wash and removes the little pebbles. It burns and smarts, but he blows on them to help with the discomfort. He’s melting my heart with his kindness. I’ve never had anyone care for me this much. My mom maybe. But that’s her job as a parent. I’ll do the same for my kids. James is just my bodyguard and friend. He isn’t obligated to do this.
    “I’m going to help you stand and I want you to use me for support,” he delicately instructs once my hands are cleansed of debris. I wrap my arms around his neck and he helps me up. My knees are killing me. I wish I could use some major pain killers, they would come in handy right about now. But since I’ve been pregnant I haven’t taken anything. I refuse.
    He pulls my dress over my head and kneels in front of me. I hold onto his shoulders. His thumbs tuck into the top of my leggings and he pulls down, sliding them off of my legs. A shiver of pleasure washes over me. This is so personal and sexual. Even if I’m in pain. He removes each shoe one at a time and then lifts each one of my feet and tugs off my leggings. I’m left standing in my blue boy shorts and bra set. His hands shake a little when he dips into the waistband of my panties and slides them down to reveal my less than perfect pussy. It needs to be

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