B017GCC62O (R)

Free B017GCC62O (R) by Michelle Horst

Book: B017GCC62O (R) by Michelle Horst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Horst
where.” She walks by me and then calls back, “Bring your shovel and wheelbarrow!”
    I quickly grab the shovel, place it in the wheelbarrow and then follow her. We walk quite a distance and I can feel it’s going to be a hot day. My body is itching from all the scabs.
    When I see all the cows, sheep and pigs, my eyes grow huge. I’ve never seen animals up close. My feet slow down until all I can do is stare.
    “Over here, Jack,” Miss Ella calls out, and I rush over to where she’s standing. There is large heaps of manure. Wow, I’ve never seen so much manure!
    I start to shovel some into the wheelbarrow. I notice that Miss Ella is waiting for me so I pick up the pace even though my body is protesting.
    “Morning, Miss E,” a man calls out. I quickly hold the shovel in front of me, ready to fight. I was told no more sex but I’m not sure I can believe a word any of these people say.
    “I told you before and I’m telling you for the last time, my mama named me Ella not E!” Her voice sounds harsh but there’s a smile on her face as she looks at the man. “Theo, this is Jack. He’s new here so be kind and not your usual crazy self.”
    Theo keeps his distance, which is a good thing as he’s much smaller than me. He smiles at me. “Welcome, Jack.”
    “Now run along and go work.” He listens and with a quick wave he runs off in the direction of a huge building. It’s made of sturdy wood, and it’s huge!
    As soon as Theo is gone I get back to shoveling the manure into the wheelbarrow. When I’m sure the wheelbarrow can’t take anymore, I stick the shovel into the manure and take hold of the wheelbarrow. Without a word Miss Ella starts walking back and I follow behind her.
    When we get back to the house, she goes straight into the kitchen.
    I bring the wheelbarrow close to the piece of ground I’m working with, and start to work the manure into the ground. It takes me a long while to get all of the manure nicely worked into the dry ground. I need water.
    I hook the hose to the tap next to the steps by the backdoor. For now I just need one hose, but I’m sure with time I’ll use all three.
    I set the nozzle to a fine spray and take my time wetting the ground. When I’m happy with the ground, I grab the first tray of flowers and start to plant them.
    With each little plant going into the ground I feel my heart swelling until something inside of me bursts and tears spill over my cheeks. I don’t bother wiping them away.
    This is all that mattered, and it’s all that will matter. Plants, trees, flowers – nature - it’s where my soul finds a sliver of peace and happiness.
    I don’t know how long I’ve been working, when Miss Ella calls to me from the kitchen door. “Come have something to eat and drink. No use in you dying out in the heat. Who’s going to do the gardening then?”
    She disappears back inside and I quickly rinse my hands. I dry them on the back of my pants and then go inside. It’s cool and my eyes immediately fall on the stack of pancakes and orange juice. It looks delicious.
    “You can sit here with me, Jack.” Miss Ella moves around the heavy wooden table and takes a seat. She has a plate filled with pancakes, as well. She takes some syrup and pours it over the pancakes.
    When she cuts off a piece and pops it in her mouth, I move closer to the table. She takes another bite, and I quickly go to sit down. I don’t bother with the syrup, I’m too hungry.
    I scoff the food down, and take huge gulps of orange juice. I want to get back to the garden. Just as I finish Master Ryland walks into the kitchen with Sophia following him.
    My heart constricts and I freeze.
    “Morning,” he says in a calm manner, then he looks at his watch. “It’s more afternoon than morning. You two enjoying your brunch?”
    “You know I love a snack here and there. At my age there’s no such thing as watching my figure. Who knows what kind of foods they have in paradise. I want to get my fill

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