Fight for Love

Free Fight for Love by Jennah Scott

Book: Fight for Love by Jennah Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennah Scott
Tags: Young Adult
from Dave? “Now is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Luke, I know there’s more going on with you and Dave, and I know you refuse to tell me. Family abuse is my specialty. I recognize the bruises you come in with and the way you carry yourself when you’re in pain. You think you hide it and from most, you probably do. But not from me. You know I called CPS.”
    Yeah, I knew. The night of and day after were hell for me. “Since you knew and called them, why didn’t you press harder when they didn’t do anything?”
    “Because you’re the one that lied. You gave them the out, Luke. Why did you do that? ”
    Mom. I did everything for her. Even sent CPS off, they would have taken me. I could have finished high school without dealing with Dave. He would have been investigated and sent to jail like he should have been. But no, I sent them away. I convinced the lady that my bruises Dr. G saw came from working out. I thought they’d ask more questions, but they didn’t.  
    “You want my help, and to get that I need you to be open and honest with me. This is something that needs to be said up front. Otherwise, I have to recommend you to one of my partners.”
    The threat of losing her was my last straw. I bolted from the couch. My fist came down hard on the desk, rattling her pencil cup. She leaned back in her chair, just out of reach. “You cannot hand me off. I won’t let you,” my voice low and menacing.  
    Dr. Greenberg’s next words came out soft and calm in contrast to mine. “Luke. I don’t want to hand you off as you say. I want to help you. Right now you need to step away from my desk.” The lack of emotion in her voice brought me down a couple of notches, but my muscles ached from the tension humming through them. “Luke, look at me.” I raised my head slowly. “I will help you. I promise.” Dr. Greenberg reached out and grasped my shoulder, her touch warm, and comforting. Beneath her hand my shoulder trembled, and my vision blurred.  
    Without moving her hand, Dr. Greenberg walked around the desk to my side. I propped myself up, my head hung to my chest. Tears flowed down my cheeks to her desk, the drops pooling on my own file. “Go home and come back tomorrow. We’ll talk more then.” She handed me a Kleenex and remained by my side until I gave her a quick nod and wiped my face with the back of my hand one more time.  


    I walked past Stacey’s desk without even a look over my shoulder; I couldn’t- wouldn’t- face her right then. Friend or not, I wasn’t about to let her see me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. When I grabbed a hold of the door handle she called my name. I ran my hands through my hair, grabbing and pulling out a couple of strands in the process.  
    For a second I ignored her call and kept going, but something about the sadness in her voice stopped me. The way it cracked even though she spoke so softly I almost missed it. If I wanted a chance to win her over, despite her resolve, I couldn’t leave. I had to face her. I wanted to talk to Stacey. I wanted to hear her opinion. What she thought mattered to me, maybe more than what Dr. Greenberg thought.  
    Without turning around I took a bold step, “Go to dinner with me.”
    “You know I can’t.”  
    “Yes, you can. You just don’t want to. If you want to talk to me, then go to dinner. Otherwise, I’m outta here.” This time my resolve didn’t falter. I pushed through the door and out to the sidewalk.
    Within minutes a whoosh of air hit the side of my neck. I twisted around. Stacey stood in the doorway, one hand clutched around the round doorknob. She glanced to her left, then right and found me. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. A smirk spread across my face, I didn’t fight the excitement of the hunt nor the fact that I’d won, at least this round.  
    “You knew I’d follow you.” Stacey replaced her plea filled voice from earlier with anger at my

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