Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

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Book: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) by K.T Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.T Fisher
lift. The smug bastard.
    When we get to my house Jax takes Finley inside and helps me get him ready for bed. We make our way downstairs and have a quiet drink together in the living room. On the same sofa as last time.
    "Do you think that I could maybe have Finley over for the night?"
    I'm shocked by his question but I don't disagree with him. I know Finley would love that.
    "It doesn't matter. We can wait until I have my own place or just until Finley knows me better."
    I stop his rambling.
    "Jax, that wouldn't be a problem. Finley would love to."
    I laugh at his happy face.
    "You look like Finley."
    This makes him smile even wider.
    "You don't mind?"
    "Of course I don't. As long as Max and Leo behave and don't have girls over when Finley's there then it's OK by me. Finley knows and loves you enough. He's off school for six weeks now so you can have him over whenever you want."
    Before I know it Jax's lips are on mine, I take it that he's happy. Soon the kiss turns passionate but he won't take it any further than kissing no matter what I do or how much I beg, and I do shamelessly beg him. But he won't budge and I go to bed alone and very unsatisfied again. If this torture carries on much longer I'm going to take a leaf out of Tanya's book and buy myself a fucking vibrator.
    Chapter 11
    The next morning Finley wakes me up by bouncing on my bed as usual. I know that it's early but before I can check the time I hear my phone vibrate on the table beside my bed. Before I answer I see that it's Tanya calling.
    My voice is croaky from sleep.
    "Sophie told me what Rhys and Jax have organised for tonight."
    I'm relived to hear that she doesn't sound pissed.
    "Yeah, they're over reacting."
    "They're right though you know. After all, you two are Degirl's now!"
    I can hear the bitch laughing.
    "Jax also mentioned unlimited drinks."
    "Really? Well that's fucking awesome! A free night at the hottest club in town. Tonight is gonna be amazing!"
    I'm shocked. I thought she wouldn't like this at all. After all the two people have organized this are Leo's best friends. I suppose when you throw in V.I.P and unlimited drinks she overcomes her hatred for the man.
    "What time are we meeting?"
    I hear her now groaning down the phone.
    "I'm at work until six. Let's get ready at your house. I can be there for seven and I'll bring drinks."
    "Great. See you then."
    When I hang up I'm surprised that Finley doesn't demand his breakfast. He has been watching me while I was talking to Tanya and he's still looking straight at me.
    "Can I talk to daddy?"
    "It's early honey. He might still be sleeping."
    "It's OK mummy."
    I look down at my phone and see it's 8:00am.
    "Please mummy?"
    Oh what the hell. I'm sure he won't mind and anyway, he needs to get experience for all things parents do. I find Jax's number and hand my phone over to Finley.
    "Make sure you say sorry for waking him up."
    He nods at me with the cutest look on his face. I know the moment that Jax answers because his little face lights up.
    "Morning daddy! It's me! Were you sleeping?"
    He waits for his answer and then laughs.
    "You're lazy daddy."
    I smile as I get out of bed and get ready as I listen to Finley's side of the conversation. When I'm dressed and looking presentable I decide it's time for Finley to say goodbye to Jax.
    "Come on then rock star, say bye to daddy. It's time for breakfast."
    "Ohh. Bye daddy, I have breakfast now."
    I sit on the bed by Finley and wait.
    "Yes mummy going to do my juice, biscuits and toast.........OK you.....Bye."
    Aw he's so cute. When we get downstairs I make Finley what he wants for breakfast. When I put his toast on the table in front of him he smiles up at me.
    "Thank you mummy. You're the best."
    "Aw thank you Finley."
    I kiss his forehead.
    "Daddy told me to say it."
    Good enough.
    An hour later we decide to walk down to the park. We're not there for long when I get a text from Jax.
    JAX: Loved Fin's wakeup call.

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