Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

Free Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) by K.T Fisher

Book: Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) by K.T Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.T Fisher
pay for the rest. When we step outside the paparazzi are still there.
    "Why are you in a toy store?"
    "Are you pregnant?"
    "How do you feel about Jax being a playboy?"
    I ignore their stupid questions and get into the car.
    Chapter 10
    The rest of the week goes by in a mad blur. While Finley was at school on the Wednesday Jax came by and we spoke about every media wise. He explained everything his managing team told the press about me and the whole story about us being forever in love. It's a romantic story and I really wished it were true. I'm really grateful that Jax thought to spin off a whole story about the three of us to protect Finley from being shunned. I'm a little worried how Finley will be when he's out with Jax and paparazzi are there.
    Jax took Finley out that Wednesday night for pizza with Rhys, Max and Leo. Jax said he loved spending time with the guys, which I knew he would. Apparently some paparazzi were there to get their first pictures of Finley. Jax told me how Finley just held onto his hand and smiled at the cameras which I'm very pleased about.
    The day after Finley went to dinner with his dad, the pictures were on the internet and there was one in the newspaper with the headline.
    Jax's Secret Son Comes Out Of Hiding
    All the articles are positive and like our story. They have all bought the lie about Jax's decision to keep me and Finley a secret. The internet articles think Finley is adorable and a little version of Jax, which they love.
    On Thursday the paper ran a story on Sophie and me, loving that two of Decoys women have come out of hiding. The main picture was of me and Sophie standing outside of Summers when we were talking the other day. It worried me that I didn't even know anyone was there and that they can take a picture of you without you even knowing. Good thing Sophie already decided she wasn't hiding anymore.
    Maisy has actually found a website dedicated to Decoy, Sophie and me. Calling me and Sophie the Degirls, which I thought was pretty clever and hilarious. It’s cute how they have designed the page, Sophie and Rhys and then Me and Jax. There are pictures of us all and people commenting how much they like us or sometimes disliking us. Hating because they think me and Sophie are taking Rhys and Jax away from them. They have a section on mine and Sophie's friends which are obviously the girls and Max and Leo have their own section. There are girls on this website planning out how to get their own attention by becoming the next Degirl. It's all very funny and unreal.
    Finley, bless him, has his own little section. Pictures from that last two days are up there. The girls love that he looks just like Jax. Somebody has dedicated a website to just me and Sophie called the Degirls. Pictures taken by the paparazzi are on there too. Girls talk about mine and Sophie’s fashion. I didn't even realize I had a fashion sense. I just get up and throw whatever it is that I want to wear for that day. But girls on here think I have blog worthy fashion taste. It's embarrassing but yet flattering at the same time. It's a good job Jax bought me those gorgeous clothes when he did, even though I still can't believe I let him buy them me. It's all fucking unreal. Since reuniting with Jax my life has dramatically changed.
    I get back into my car from taking Finley to school when my phone alerts me that I have a text message.
    TANYA: Girls! I need a night out in the clubs! Please tell me UR free 4 tomorrow night!
    She's not in work today so I text her back before I drive off. I tell her I'm up for a good night out. Finley's at my parents’ tomorrow night anyway. Fingers crossed all of the girls can come.
    As I drive off I can help but think about Tanya. I hope she's OK, I'm a little worried about her and that message seemed a little desperate of her.
    At work she's fine until I mention Jax. Anything related to Leo shuts her off. Since the wedding she's not acting herself at all. From what I've seen and heard

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