Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

Free Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm by Saxon Andrew

Book: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
fear grow. She thought, oh Sprig, I need you so much. Edison teleported away and she stared at the former location of the Milky Way for a long moment before teleporting to the Galaxy of the Algeans.

Chapter Six
    T rey and Cassie teleported in and joined Danielle and Tag in the Throne Room. Danielle stood and bowed to them. Valerie and Jake saw her bow and then stared at the two teenagers that had just teleported in. Who were they? Valerie bowed and Jake finally did as well. Trey said, “Oh stop that. We are not royalty and you do not need to bow.”
    Danielle said, “You deserve much more than a bow and you are royalty whether you want to admit or not. You are your family’s son.”
    Trey sighed and said, “Please rise.” The four Leaders of the Realm stood and Trey said, “Danielle, were you serious when you told Twig that we would go and destroy her galaxy?”
    Trey looked at Cassie and turned to Danielle, “I don’t know that we would have done that. I just don’t see us causing that much death; especially to those innocent worlds brought in from the Keeper’s Universe. We are sworn to protect those that cannot defend themselves.”
    “I didn’t say you would. I just said I would order you to do it.”
    Trey started laughing. Cassie joined him and then Tag joined them. Danielle didn’t laugh and said, “I was serious.”
    Trey finally caught his breath and said, “That’s what Twig saw. She didn’t know that we follow the old principles so she could only make a decision on what she saw.”
    Danielle smiled, “Trey, if I told you that all of the worlds in this galaxy were going to die if you didn’t do exactly what I threatened to do, would you refuse?”
    Trey’s expression turned serious as he thought about Danielle’s remark. “Danielle, if Twig refused to allow this galaxy to be moved because of selfish reasons, I suspect we would have been faced with an extremely difficult decision.”
    “What would your grandfather have done if the Empire was being held hostage by the Algeans?”
    Trey lowered his head and took a deep breath, “His responsibility was to protect his subjects. He would have started blasting the Algean’s planets first until they agreed. He knew that the failure of the Realm was due to the leaders not having the strength to make hard choices. He wouldn’t have hesitated for a moment.”
    “This is exactly what I would have said to you if she refused. Now what do you say?”
    Cassie said, “We would have done it. I can see it now.”
    Valerie said, “My name is Valerie Gardner Talant and I don’t know who you are?”
    Cassie smiled, “We are the leaders of the Bristone Empire’s Naval Forces. We are the ones that met your husband in our former universe. My name is Cassandra Robbins and this is my husband Trey.”
    “I mean no disrespect, but both of you are extremely young.”
    Cassie smiled, “How old were you when you ascended to the throne, Valerie?”
    Valerie smiled, “Touché’, you make a good point. Age changes one’s perspective. I was probably stronger then than now.”
    Danielle said, “They are the ones that caused the psychic blast.”
    Jake jerked his head around at Danielle and then looked at the two standing in front of him. Trey smiled, “That got your attention.”
    Jake took a deep breath, “You’re the one that said you didn’t really care if we lived or died.”
    “Yes, I am and I meant it at the time. However, Danielle has made me see that you might just be worth saving. That’s why we allowed her to make the effort. I honestly viewed the Realm as being just like you, Jake, and she showed me I was inaccurate in that assessment.”
    Jake flinched at the remark, but sensed that he was no match for the young man who made it. Like Tag, he was stronger, “I’m not sure what you mean?”
    “Yes, you do. You are the one primarily responsible for the death of our former universe. Your indifference ultimately led to the death

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