Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

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Book: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
are still following my orders?”
    “I am.”
    “And if I tell you that I will not accept this decision?”
    “We will do whatever you decide.”
    Cassie listened to them and remembered Danielle’s words, she said, “You said the biggest mistake you made was thinking that more powerful psychic powers allowed one to see the truth more clearly. You said you were wrong in that judgment.”
    Trey looked at Cassie as she repeated Danielle’s words and desperately looked in his mind at all the possible choices that could be made and couldn’t see the path to follow. Cassie slowly shook her head and said, “I don’t see it either.”
    Trey was fuming. He wanted Jake to be punished and Jake’s sorrow now was just too little too late to remove that desire. He thought about what his family would have done and then he saw his grandfather and Grang. He immediately saw his adopted Father kneeling in front of Scotty begging for death. Scotty refused Grang that mercy and forgave him. What he had done was much worse to Scotty than Jake had done to him. Trey looked at Jake and said, “You will atone for your actions! If you do nothing else in your life, you will strive to balance your debt!” Trey took a deep breath and said, “It will be done as you say, Danielle. We’re leaving for the Empire and you can join us there when you’re ready.”
    Danielle saw Trey’s struggle and knew he was stronger for it, “Will you do one thing for me?”
    “What is that?”
    “I need you to bring Weed and Seed here as quickly as possible.”
    “Why do you need them?”
    “Because the Algeans and Spiders will be coming here quickly and I need them to help me kick some sense into them.” Danielle paused, “I would have thought you would want to see that happen.”
    Cassie started laughing again and said, “You can leave if you want to, Trey but I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
    Trey stared at Danielle, “How are you going to do that?”
    “I’m not, Jake is.”
    Jake jerked his head up, “I’m what?”
    Trey said, “This I will stay to see. Greyson.”
    “Yes, Your Highness.”
    “Not you, too.”
    “Oh yes.”
    “Timmy, will you and Virze go with Greyson and get Weed and Seed and bring them here.”
    “On our way.”
    Jake looked at Danielle, “What is it that I am going to do?”
    Danielle told him while Cassie and Trey went to a chair and smiled. This was going to be fun. It wouldn’t take long for the festivities to start.
    Cassie yelled over to Danielle, “What are you going to do after this?”
    “I thought we were going to the universes the Demon Ships are currently invading and say hello.”
    Trey chuckled and said, “Boy! You can really see the big picture.”
    Tag said, “You’ve got that right.”
    Danielle thought where everyone could hear her, “Cassandra, I need you and the Kosiev to come to Ross. I also want you to join us in the Throne Room.”
    “Do you really need me, Danielle?”
    “More than you know.”
    “We’ll be there momentarily.”
    • • •
    “Edison, I need you to come and see me.”
    “What’s on your mind, Twig?”
    “The Demons are coming and you are going to be their first target.”
    “I’m glad you see that. We do currently occupy their former family’s home and this will be their first stop. Do you have a plan?”
    “No, I don’t and all of these Searchers are worthless in protecting us. I’ve reviewed the recordings of the original battle and even the Psychic Ships would have lost if not for the Kosiev. The Demon’s ships will destroy everything if they come here. We’ve got to go and ask Danielle what she is doing to protect the Realm and what we should do.”
    “You felt her thoughts. She has no love for us and I doubt she will offer us any assistance. Her anger was real.”
    “Then you decide what we should do and if you don’t have a plan, we’ll try my way first. Do you have a plan?”
    “No, but I’m reluctant to join you in this.”
    Twig saw

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