Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

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Book: Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
of my grandparents and parents. I actually hoped you would ignore my warning during our first meeting and stay where you were. When the Demons came and burned your worlds, I hoped that you would have a better understanding of what your actions caused.” Trey stared at Jake and then said, “However, Danielle proved to me that the Realm’s heart is not black. I understand why you did what you did two thousand years ago. But I still don’t like you, Jake, and I don’t know that I ever will.”
    Valerie listened to the exchange, took Jake’s hand, and said harshly, “It’s easy for you to stand here in judgment after the fact and make your accusations. You didn’t have to fight the Keepers to save our universe and you weren’t staring down the barrel of millions of Searchers coming to kill your subjects.”
    Trey felt his anger skyrocket and opened his mouth to respond and stopped. He took a deep breath and stared at Valerie for a long moment and finally said, “No, I wasn’t. Choosing to run is not what has caused my ill will. It was your total indifference afterwards that makes me feel this way. Perhaps you can explain that, Valerie. The buoys were gone but you never looked in on the planets of the Realm you left behind.”
    Jake said, “She can’t explain it. We gave that responsibility to the Spiders and Algeans and they assured us they would handle it. I now see that we chose poorly in selecting them to do it. We were unaware of their treachery and just didn’t see it. You’re absolutely right to feel as you do and we have the ultimate responsibility for our decisions. It’s too little too late, but I am so very sorry for what happened to all of those that were killed due to my incompetence. I don’t blame you for your anger. I deserve it.”
    Valerie turned to Danielle and said, “Thank you for trying to save our citizens, Danielle. We will take our things and leave the castle.”
    “Oh no you won’t!”
    Valerie and Jake looked at Danielle and Valerie shook her head, “We no longer serve a purpose here. We’ve done nothing but harm to the Realm.”
    Trey and Cassie looked at Danielle and were shocked by her next statement. “I hereby abdicate the Throne of the Stars Realm and name Valerie Talant as my successor. You will take the Crown now and start making plans to defend the Realm.”
    Trey started to challenge her but Valerie said, “You have totally confused me. That doesn’t make any sense what so ever. Why on Ross would you even suggest that? What do you mean!?!”
    Tag looked at Danielle and smiled. Danielle stood from the throne and said, “How many of our citizens know about what just happened?”
    Valerie thought about it and said, “I only announced my abdication to our fleet. I suppose none of our worlds know anything.”
    “Exactly right; they have their confidence and trust in you, Valerie and now we are going to remove them from this dimension and tell them the Demons are returning. Putting me on the throne after all the years you’ve ruled would be too much of a shock. You should also remember that it was you and Jake that saved them from the Keepers. They love you and they are your responsibility during this crisis. You are going to have to lead them during this time of danger and you are going to have to get them prepared for the coming fight.”
    Trey looked from Danielle to Cassie and she nodded. He looked at Jake and then at Danielle, “And just what are you going to be doing while all this is happening?”
    “Exactly what I told you before we came here; assisting you in the coming war against the Demons in those four universes.” Danielle saw Trey look at Jake again with anger and she said, “Look at his mind, Trey. Do it now!”
    Trey hesitated but turned his mind to Jake and saw the agony taking place. He saw the pain and guilt from what he had done. He withdrew and looked at Cassie. She made it clear that this was his decision. He looked at Danielle and said, “You

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