
Free Captured by Erica Stevens

Book: Captured by Erica Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Stevens
hint of caring between a vampire and a human was strictly forbidden. If they even slightly suspected that he might be developing feelings for Arianna they would take her from him, and they would kill her.
       That was something that he could not allow to happen. He may not care for her, or have feelings for her, but he also didn’t want to see her destroyed in the brutal way that they would do it. It was not fair to her, and he was unwilling to let the light she brought into his life go. Not yet anyway, not until he knew what it all meant.
       “It’s a leash, to keep you bound to me.”
       Her eyebrows drew sharply together; she gave a small, confused shake of her head. “I don’t understand, leashes are for…” Her gaze darted to Keegan; understanding widened her eyes before narrowing them sharply. Even Keegan did not wear a leash. “I see,” she grated.
       “If you are to go out in public you must wear this, it is a custom.” Her jaw was clenched tight, her chin tilted defiantly as her hands fisted at her sides. Though she radiated anger, beneath it all he could sense her hurt, her feeling of betrayal. Anger washed out of her, frustration burned from her. Slowly, she turned toward the window, her shoulders slumped. He hated the crushing sense of defeat that washed out of her, but it could not be helped. Even if she couldn’t see it now, this was what was best for her. For both of them.
       “Ok,” she said softly, her voice hitching slightly as her need to be outside outweighed her pride. “Ok. I will wear it.”
       He wasn’t going to remind her that she didn’t have a choice, she looked beaten enough at the moment. She came slowly forward, eyeing the gold chain as if it were a poisonous snake that she wanted no part of. They were meant to be worn around the neck, or the wrist, depending on what the owner preferred, but looking at her now he knew he could not add to her degradation by placing it around her neck. He took hold of her hand, slipping it around her wrist and tightening it gently. He was the only one that could remove it now that he had placed it upon her. He was the one that owned her and controlled her; everyone would know that she belonged to him. He wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that, he didn’t like owning her. He did, however, like the fact that everyone would know that she belonged to him, that they could not touch her. Ever.
       She lifted her head slowly, swallowing heavily as she met his gaze, her chin tilted higher. She may be humiliated, and at his mercy, but she was not going to allow herself to be beat down. For the first time he admitted to himself that he actually admired this wisp of a human before him. He had never thought much of their race, (they were beneath him after all) never even given them a moment’s thought, except for when it came to food and pleasure. But this girl made him question his opinions of the human race, made him wonder if perhaps they were worth a little more. Or at the very least, maybe she was.
       He held her hand for a moment longer, disliking the feel of the chain against her skin. For a second he almost pulled it off of her, but the consequences of such an action would be dire to them both. “Ok then,” he said softly.
       He held the chain lightly in his hand as he grabbed hold of his cane by the door. Arianna followed him out the door, trailing slowly behind as she gazed around the hallway with the same awe she had shown upon first entering the palace. He took her down the backstairs this time, unwilling to take the risk of running into his relatives. Two of his bodyguards trailed behind them, their surprise evident at seeing Arianna emerge again, looking far different than when she had gone in.
       He led her down another hallway before reaching the doors that led out to the gardens. Keegan stopped at the doors before Braith did, brushing briefly against his master’s legs before sitting down. Braith rubbed

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