Love & Loss

Free Love & Loss by C. J. Fallowfield

Book: Love & Loss by C. J. Fallowfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Fallowfield
    ‘Well I can’t compromise on that Mia. It’s not expensive to me, I can afford it and I shouldn’t need permission to spend my own money how I want,’ he stated firmly. I sighed and twisted my rings on my finger. I had more important points on my list to battle than risk him getting cross over this.
    ‘Fine, but I want it on record that I’m not with you because of your money.’
    ‘I already know that Mia. Point two?’
    ‘I am your girlfriend, you know that right?’ I asked and he nodded with a puzzled frown. ‘Just making it clear that we are a couple Gabe, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell me how to dress or what I can or can’t do with my hair.’
    ‘But I love your long hair.’
    ‘It’s still long Gabe, but sometimes if it’s in bad condition I need a few inches off to let it grow again and I don’t want to worry that you’re going to go mad again and keep bringing it up weeks down the line.’
    ‘Promise you won’t go short?’
    ‘At this moment in time I only want long hair Gabe, but I may want to go short one day and that’s my decision to make. You should love me for me, not my hair.’
    ‘Fine,’ he sighed.
    ‘Clothes too?’
    ‘I’m not comfortable with you going out in skimpy clothes without me Mia.’
    ‘I don’t want men thinking you’re available.’
    ‘And you think I look more available in a mini skirt or low cut top?’
    ‘Yes,’ he answered without hesitation.
    ‘But I’m not. I’m with you.’
    ‘They don’t know that.’
    ‘They will when they make a pass at me and I say no.’
    ‘Mia,’ he sighed and rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes.
    ‘I trust you not to cheat on me Gabe, I trust that you love me enough not to. I’m asking you to do the same.’
    ‘I don’t want to give men any more incentive to come onto you.’
    ‘Gabe, men came onto me all the time before we were together, it’s not going to stop. The only thing that’s different is I’m not interested, I love you . A couple of undone buttons or inches off my skirt doesn’t change that.’
    ‘Then why do it? Why not just dress more conservatively without me?’
    ‘Because I like to feel sexy Gabe, it gives me a boost of confidence to know I’m appealing to other guys and an even bigger boost to know that you’re at home waiting for me. You’re my perfect package, trust me that I can handle unwanted attention.’
    ‘This is really important to you.’ He stated it, didn’t question it.
    ‘Yes. I can’t lose myself by being with you Gabe, I still need to be me.’
    ‘Fine but I can’t promise not to pass comment if I don’t approve.’
    ‘As long as it doesn’t turn into a sulk or an argument, I can handle a comment or two,’ I nodded.
    ‘What else?’
    ‘There’s only two more things.’
    ‘Yes, I had a big list to start with, but as Lexi and I talked them through over the weekend I realised some were petty, so we narrowed it down to these four key points. Why are you looking surprised?’
    ‘I figured it would be a massive list given the way I’ve been.’
    ‘Gabe it’s not an exercise in pointing out each other’s worst traits, it’s our deal breakers. These four things are areas that could affect me wanting to stay with you, regardless of how much I love you. That’s why there’s only four of them, the rest I’ll handle as no relationship can be perfect all the time. We’re still going to argue now and then, but it can’t be about these things, not for me anyway.’
    ‘Ok, hit me with the last two.’
    ‘My friends are important to me Gabe. If I make plans with them I can’t have you stopping me from meeting them, or turning up and spoiling my night, that’s unacceptable to me.’
    ‘I get that,’ he sighed. ‘I know I’ve been unreasonable wanting you with me all the time.’
    ‘So we’re not going to fight about me wanting time out again?’
    ‘As long as we spend important occasions

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