How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure

Free How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure by Lou Paget

Book: How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure by Lou Paget Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lou Paget
Tags: Self-Help, Sexual Instruction,
me my
    nearly died. It was filthy. The drapes were dirty, the shower favorite ice cream bar. He can somehow create a quiet, just-curtain was moldy. I was disgusted and felt totally turned for-the-two-of-us space and do something sweet. Often we off. I made up some excuse that night and went home. A few have to wait until later, but when he has already lit my pilot days later I told him, in a nice way, that he needed to do light, we have had quickies in the bathroom, running the something about his apartment. He had the money, after all. I shower, with the kids on the other side, and he’s doing me think he just didn’t know any better.” Cleanliness is next to from behind and we’re watching in the mirror.” You never godliness in most women’s eyes.
    know when those opportunities may present themselves to
    2. By minimizing interruptions, you keep the environment a give her your undivided attention, which is so key to
    haven for intimacy. This is why there are answering
    relaxing her and getting her in the mood for sex.
    machines, locks on the doors, and for those of you who are 4. Make her comfortable. A woman will not relax and let parents, baby monitors. One woman explained, “We have a
    herself be open to getting turned on if she feels self—
    four-year-old and a nine-month-old. We both work and are conscious or bad about her body. Women blossom under
    typically exhausted at the end of the day. We plan an escape attention and positive body comments. Most women, even
    day away every month. We hire an overnight sitter and take those with model bodies, question their attractiveness and off to a corporate suite or a friend’s place who is away. This often have negative feelings around their body image. I’m way we get to reconnect alone and rekindle what our
    assuming since you’re with her that you find her attractive romancing days were like when we were single. Then the
    and want to be with her. Let her know what you like about problem was our crazy travel schedules, and we had to
    her and what you’d like to do to her. She wants and needs to coordinate months in advance to see one another. When we hear that you are attracted to her. A few chosen words from got married and the kids came, I initially felt guilty about her man have been known to get one woman “so wet,
    leaving the kids. But the effect on our marriage has been sometimes he does it to me when I am at the office over the miraculous! Two months ago our nine-month-old was sick
    phone. He’s so bad!” Another woman says she goes
    and colicky, the four-year-old had just clogged the washing absolutely wild when her partner says, “I want my mouth
    machine by pouring cat litter into it, and the gardener had where it was last Friday night.”
    flooded the storage area in the garage. We looked at one another amidst this chaos and both said at the same time, ‘In
    I wasn’t gonna let that one get away. And to this day he SECRET FROM LOU’S ARCHIVES
    loves to wash my hair.” The seduction you are offering here The two biggest robbers of intimacy are being tired and having no is in the fact that you have been thinking of her even before time. Early in relationships, you make intimacy a priority, but she arrives home. Every woman in the world wants to know later, you may let it slide—especially if there are children in the in her heart of hearts that he can and will take care of her picture. Plainly and simply, you and your partner need to make physically and emotionally, and every woman wants to feel attending to your intimate relationship a priority.
    special and appreciated.
    ¾ Once out of the bath, ask her if she’d like you to give her a Have you recently told her about the part of her body you find the pedicure, or towel her off, or offer to rub moisturizing lotion biggest turn-on? In a couples seminar a couple who had been married on her. Analogous to the real estate mantra “location,
    five years with two children

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