A Pretty Pill

Free A Pretty Pill by Criss Copp

Book: A Pretty Pill by Criss Copp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Criss Copp
Tags: General Fiction, new adult
Believe me when I say, that I do know what I’m missing out on.” I drone sarcastically... I mean come on... coffee?
    “You get all that from coffee?”  He asks with an intense smirk. “I must be drinking the wrong brand.”
    “Switch brands...” I say flatly, referring to women, not coffee... find another woman to harass, arse-fuck .
    “That’s what I was doing.” He replies smugly. 
    So, he understood my insinuation, I’m obviously not his normal brand of woman... typical!  Not dumb enough, big breasted enough, or got enough junk in my trunk.  He’d be sweet on Sandy!  Not that Sandy’s dumb; actually I think I just insulted my friend without even meaning to!
    He’s pretty sure of himself though, and considering his looks, who can blame him.  He’s looking at me now like a guy that uncovered a gold mine... a productive and deep veined gold mine.
    “Walk on muscles... I’m likely to pick up a weigh and throw it at your head . I’ve done it before, ask Paul.” I explain angrily.  He looks at Paul, and Paul nods.
    Neither of us mention that the weight was actually one of those pissy little hand weights some women use while power walking, and I aimed it at the wall beside the guys head, as he sat there rubbing his groin and grinning at me.
    Oh my fucking God... I’m in heaven!  She didn’t even care about my flexing and pissing on her stance.  Every guy in this gym saw it though, they all know I’m marking my territory.  If I really was a Neanderthal as she suggests, I’d be drooling, grunting and bashing her on the head in order to take her back to my cave!  She’s going to provide me with weeks and weeks of chase. I wonder if I’ll succeed in getting her to date me, because even though I know I’m over here for my Mum, I still have a heartbeat, and that means I’m still interested in women.  I mean, I know I was put off by my Mum’s efforts with that Georgina woman; especially thinking how I was not going to do that to my Mum while I was here for her... but honestly?  Georgina didn’t have what this woman has. 
    And what does this woman have?  Well... she has my undivided attention... my interest!
    I have never, ever, in my entire life been talked to in disgust or anger like I just was by that woman; perhaps in the throes of passion, yeah... words get thrown around during sex, especially if the chick likes that sort of thing... but for her to be fiery and sarcastic like that normally, and from the onset?  That’s real passion!  And I’m finding it really hot; she’s quite literally oozing sex appeal!  Hence, she has just skyrocketed to my number one spot of interest. I want her, and I’ll wear her down to have her.  I might even try to convince her to stay for more than one night.
    After she makes her point crystal clear; I watch her and smile at her every chance I can manufacture.  It’s making her agitated, but I’ve read there’s a fine line between love and hate, so if she ends up hating me, and then all of a sudden comes around; all the foreplay has been taken care of, right?
    Regardless, I’m not leaving this gym till I see her go ; so I can see what car she drives, so I can know when she’s here in future!  No, I’m not stalking, not in a scary way anyway; I’m giving myself knowledge, so that on the days I see her vehicle out back, I know to put on my best performance.
    I’m a little shocked when I see her emerge from the female locker room in jeans and a leather jacket; and a backpack and a helmet.  She rides a bike?  I’ve so gotta see this!
    I walk to a window that shows the car park, and sure enough, she’s got a silver and maroon Kawasaki out back that she straddles.
    That’s fucking sexy , and so not what I would’ve placed on my list of things hot chicks should do... ride a bike, but suddenly; well suddenly, any woman that doesn’t know how to ride a bike from now on, well she’s just going to be boring!  It is now a priority

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