The Complete Groupie Trilogy

Free The Complete Groupie Trilogy by Ginger Voight

Book: The Complete Groupie Trilogy by Ginger Voight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Voight
kissed his way across my cheek to the curve of my neck as he pressed against me while his strong fingers finally explored my aching breast. Each squeeze and every flick of his thumb made me crazy to feel his fingers against my bare skin, his mouth against my hungry body.
    I pushed him back against the pillows stacked up against the headboard. He watched through deeply hooded eyes as I reached around to unlace the corset. I lifted up on my knees to unfasten the jeans and slip them over the curve of my hips before I k icked them free onto the floor.
    I lay back on the bed, and ran my hand along his arm, bringing his hand once again to my body. “It’s your birthday gift,” I murmured. “You should be the one to unwrap it.”
    He groaned as he leaned forward until he was poised over me, and released the last few loops that held the corset in place until I was exposed for him. My heavy breasts bounced free and I felt the cool air hit my body before the warm rush of excitement of how he appraised me. “Best birthday gift ever,” he huskily declared as he bent to take one pert nipple immediately into his mouth. It sent white hot volts of electricity right to my core as he savored the curve of my breast with his tongue and his fingers.
    I gasped and wound my hand in his hair. “Vanni,” I groaned.
    “Say it again,” he murmured against my skin.
    “Vanni,” I said louder, more decisively. He rose again st my body to lie on top of me.
    With one deft finger I unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it from his body until we lay naked chest to naked chest.
    “I’ve dreamed of this, ” he confessed against my lips.
    “So have I,” I admitted. Then, “How does it measure up to what you thought it would be?”
    He chuckled softly as he spun us around until he was on his back and I was straddling him in nothing but my underwear. I could feel him beneath me, under his clothes, pulsating with need. “You tell me,” he said he challenged with a suggestive grin.
    I ground against him and he caught one of my breasts as it swayed in front of him. I tossed my head back and continued to torment him. He dug his fingers into my soft hips as we continued our erotic dance with only tw o pieces of clothes between us.
    Just when I was about to remedy that little problem, his cell phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He groaned in frustration and tossed me onto my back. He kissed me harder as if to ignore the phone that would not quit buzzing in his pants.
    I probably wouldn’t have complained had it been positioned in a different spot, but as it was if it was an annoying pack of mosquitos suddenly attacking our picnic. He broke our kiss with a curse, and I just smoothed his hair. “You might as well answer it,” I said. “They’re not going to leave you alone until you do.”
    “Okay,” he relented. “But remember where I was,” he instructed with another sweet peck on the tip of my nose.
    He leaned back to reach into his pocket, and groaned at the almost painfully engorged silhouette of his desire. His desire for me, I mentally corrected. I tucked an arm under my head with a satisfied smile.
    His face became stern when he glanced at the caller ID. He turned off the sound and put it on the nightstand. “I can call them back later,” he said as he turned back to me. “Now where was I?”
    But I couldn’t forget the photo that popped up on his phone as easily as he could. It was Lourdes. And she was calling no doubt to wish him a happy birthday like any devoted girlfriend.
    It was as if a bucket of cold water washed over me, and I drew into myself as a result. Vanni took immediate notice. “Andy,” he started as he reached a hand for me.
    “You should answer,” I replied, my voice small and hard. “She probably wants to wish you a happy birthday.”
    “Nothing so sweet,” he assured. “She’s probably just calling to find out when I’m coming home…”
    He stopped, as if he had said too much. And of course he had.

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