Make Me Sweat

Free Make Me Sweat by Avril Ashton

Book: Make Me Sweat by Avril Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Ashton
Nothing stood out or was out of place. Fuck, I’m screwed. She hopped off
the table and stood in the middle of the room, hands on her hips. She had to
leave quickly before someone came knocking, someone like that nosy, gorgeous
piece of man flesh, Jayce.
    She dropped to her hands and knees, dragging her palms over the
tiled floor. Gross, but she had to do what she had to. Her mind kept replaying the
damn scene upstairs, the hurt in Simon’s eyes.
    God, she’d put it there. After all he’d done to make her see how
much he cared. He’d hate her after this, and she didn’t blame him. In fact, she
wished he’d hate her. Make losing him hurt less. Maybe, not so much.
    Her forehead banged on the side of the pool table. “Ouch.” She
rubbed the spot and shifted away, but her hair caught on a latch and pulled.
“Ow! Shit.” She ran her fingers over the latch, looking for a way to unhook her
hair. A depression in the smooth surface caught her eye and she pressed down on
it. The pool table siding slid away, freeing her hair, and revealing a nice
hidey hole complete with about half a dozen folders marked ‘Official’.
    “Jack-fucking-pot.” She scooped up everything, and after rolling
them up, stuck them inside her thigh-high boots. Damn boots had to serve some
kind of purpose besides killing her feet. Satisfied her stash was safely
hidden, she cast one last, mournful look toward the stairs and Simon Dakin then
rushed out the door.
    Seated behind the wheel of her car, she heaved a sigh when the
guard waved her through the huge security gate surrounding the estate. She
drove out and away from the man she loved, tears streaming down her face.
    Five minutes of crying later, she straightened her spine and
wiped her tears. What’s done is done. Resigned to her fate, her fingers
tightened on the steering wheel. Simon Dakin was in her past, now to focus on
the future. A future without him. She sniffed and shook her head. No
more tears.
    A force slammed into her car from behind, jerking the steering
wheel away from her control. Her head snapped back, everything spun. Belatedly,
she realized the car was the one spinning. Shattered glass rained like sharp
confetti on her skin, though she barely felt anything.
    The car kept spinning. Staring out into nothingness, Ever had to
smile at the irony. She’d die here, minutes after betraying the love of her
life. She welcomed it. Life without her love couldn’t really be worth living.
But Wes—
    “I’ve got her, boss.”
    She opened her eyes. A pair of huge, black boots was planted inches
from her face where she lay on the ground. She’d been thrown from the car then.
She sighed mentally while attempting to move her feet. Well, her limbs worked
despite the fucking pain in her face and chest.
    Make that her entire body. “Umm.”
    “She’s awake.”
    And who in the hell was—
    A pair of mocking eyes bore into hers. Bright lights nearby
illuminated the pale, gorgeous face framed by wavy, red hair. “Hello, wife.”

    Dak sat at his desk in his office at the club and stared unseeing
at the papers in front of him. His body still felt the effects of the drug in
his system. The doctor wanted him to stay in bed and rest. How the fuck could
he? The woman he’d trusted, given his heart to, had betrayed him.
    Betrayed him after he told her how he felt. Jeezus. He pushed
back his chair and paced. He loved her, and she’d fucked him, drugged him, and
robbed him. Ever Marcille, wife of Angus Brennan.
    He’d messed up royally, and he had to fix it before the higher
ups got wind of it. At the moment, only he and Jayce knew. Only they knew how
he’d been led by his cock and his heart, allowing himself to be distracted by a
pretty face and tight pussy.
    “She played me, Jayce.” He shoved his fingers through his hair
and met Jayce’s gaze. His friend stood by the windows, arms folded, watching
him lose it. “She played me like a fucking board game, and I

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