Heart of the Warrior

Free Heart of the Warrior by Donya Lynne

Book: Heart of the Warrior by Donya Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donya Lynne
Tags: Romance, Vampires
could look down at that big hand inching toward his
    Sev shifted and leaned into Ari, resting his forehead on his
shoulder and wrapping his other arm softly around the small of Ari's back,
holding him, caressing, keeping him close.
    Not a word was said as they both watched Sev's hand slide
the rest of the way down and over the mound of hard flesh in Ari's shorts.
    "Oh, God." Ari swayed forward, shuddering, growing
weak in the knees. Sev's arm tightened around him and Ari's fingers curled and
gripped the tops of Sev's shoulders like hooks to hold him up.
    But still they both watched Sev's palm rub slowly up and
down his hard column. The satin material slipped erotically over his cock,
tantalizing him and burning his soul with heat. Then Sev curled his fingers
around him, holding him through his shorts, applying delicious pressure that
seared his senses and made him shiver with restraint.
    He just wanted to take Sev. Here. Now. Just throw him over
the bench and fuck the ever-living rocks off him.
    Sev groaned and rubbed him harder. "Is this for
me?" Sev's deep voice and the warmth of his breath against his shoulder
awakened another unnerving shiver down his spine.
    He nodded, trying to swallow a gasp that choked through his
throat. Ari closed his eyes, unable to believe how good this felt.
"Y-Yes." He stammered over the words, his voice gravelly with lust.
    Something was building inside him. Need. A craving. Desire.
His whole body rose and fell with each breath, and he whimpered as Sev pulled
away the waist of his shorts and dipped his hand down inside.
    Fuck! That nearly undid Ari. His legs buckled and his
abdomen spasmed uncontrollably.
    Getting a hard grip on Sev's shoulders again, he slammed him
back against the lockers once more and bit down on Sev's bottom lip, purring so
hard it sounded like a growl.
    The purr. The sound of an aroused male. And Ari was way
beyond aroused.
    Sev pushed him back and spun him around, nearly crawling
inside his body as he shoved him toward the shower room while keeping one arm
secured around his waist and his other hand down the front of Ari's shorts.
    "Where…?" Ari nearly fell over from the pleasure
of Sev's hand stroking him.
    "Showers. Now." Sev clumsily directed him forward.
    They barely avoided tripping over each other in their haste
to get into the farthest stall to the right.
    The showers were typical gym showers, with a curtained outer
area for towels, robes, or other clothes, and a second curtained area for the
    Sev yanked open the outer curtain and pushed Ari in before
pulling the curtain shut behind them. In a tangle of arms and fervent kisses,
they started pulling off each other's clothes as Sev reached in and cranked on
the water.
    Sev tugged off his shirt as Ari discarded his to the marble
bench behind him. Hands found waistbands and pushed. Feet toed off gym shoes.
Shorts fell down their legs. Two powerful, masculine bodies pressed together
and spun into the shower. Their hands combined to throw the inner curtain
closed with the satisfying sound of metal shower rings swooshing over the bar.
    "I’ve had fantasies about this since—" Ari was cut
off by Sev’s mouth clamping down on his in a heated kiss.
    "So have I." Sev pushed him back against the cold
tile wall and skimmed his hands over the curves of his back to his ass, sliding
the fingers of his left hand softly between his cheeks.
    No man had ever touched him there and Ari’s knees nearly
buckled again from the pleasure of having Sev’s fingers dip into the place he
had only ever dreamed of being explored.
    "Sensitive?" Sev chuckled lightly as he pushed
closer and deepened the caress.
    "You have—oh!—Oh God, you have no idea."
    The earlier tension was gone. The aggression between them
had dissipated, replaced now by something primal that seemed to originate from
somewhere far back in their vampire genetics. It felt almost like instinct, as
if an innate drive propelled them toward one another.

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